Coronavirus - Here come the variants

what’s the end goal here exactly?

vaccinate the absolute fuck out of the old fellas , have them adhere to restrictions if deemed necessary until they are done in a month or so…but then leave it off

can someone remind me again why do we really actually care? once the 80s are done this thing is over…is there something I am missing here…?
or are we having the place locked down on case i catch a mild cough aka covid at some stage?
like i appreciate the governments concern but does anyone really care?

Forum favourite weights in on playing the man not the ball. Ball is burst yet glynner plays on looking for a goal. A two footed challenge is needed

Messaging/communication is the problem. There is no transparency with these lads. They cherry pick data to suit their narrative. If they have concerns about new variants etc., just spell it out.


They are entirely motivated by terrifying everyone. That seems to be their only policy

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There’s a lot of LIDTF merchants who would normally be on their side but want schools closed as well. They’re very active on Twitter and are trying to hammer them for it.

The problem goes back to a failure to articulate risk from last April. The delays to reopening and boasting about case and death counts gave an expectation that all risk could be eliminated. Schools do play a role in the spread but the impact on children is minimal and we have yet to hear of any deadly stories surrounding dead teachers.

The over reliance on mobility data and daily communications have snookered NPHET.

“The mobility index is up” of course it fucking is you cunts you opened the schools ffs


They said the same last September, it’s incredible really. They still long for the same compliance and restrictions as last March and April.

what type of psychopath would want a school closed in this environment given that we know this has 0 impact on kids?
id imagine one would have to be of a very distributed mindset to want children locked away ad infinitum


Definitely a bit of a sea change the last few days. People who would normally be mild mannered, we’re all in this together merchants getting a bit sick of NPHET’s lecturing tone. Probably started by Dr Walley’s insensitive remarks earlier in the week and then Dr Glynn’s badly judged tone yesterday. Prof Nolan is basically an android anyway so you expect it from him.

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It’s another example of them making up the rules to suit themselves. Why should that project take precedence over any other commercial construction project. Of course all construction should be open. The rules and their application are completely arbitrary.


NPHET need to get Dr Tony on the late late show to quieten Paddy down a bit.
Paddy is getting a bit checky questioning his superiors


The same type of psychopath that wants 6 month old infants vaccinated, and there are plenty of these people around. Youd think they’d be happy flashing a vaccine virtue badge, but no-deep within them they’ve a need to see their own choices validated via the use of children, or superspreaders as they’re technically known


This is it.

They seemingly want to vaccinate fit and healthy young people with an injection that is probably more dangerous to them than Covid is itself.


Its total and utter madness.

Ha! I laughed at that :smiley:


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For fit and healthy people under 40 I’d certainly be worried. Look at the cases of fit, young and healthy people in Europe dying in the past 7 days after getting the vaccine.

It’s worrying.

You can be worried, a lot of idiots are very worried about vaccines, but try not to say things that are the opposite of the truth.

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A lot of idiots want to coerce something on them that is not needed.

What’s the fatality rate for u40s from Covid?

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and to be holding back society waitng to get people who this has no impact on vaccinated …even tho the entire at risk population will have been inoculated??

what is this about ?
I fully support cunts over 70 getting this vaccine , make it legally binding as these people not getting vaccine may die or get sick we know… preventing this happening is why we are all batterd down…once these fkers are offered the vaccine then open it up and leave if off…

the question of children even getting the vaccine shouldn’t even be raised