Coronavirus - Here come the variants

utterly neglibleā€¦to non existant

I would leave him answer but its usually immature personal abuse thats his default especially when a direct question is posed


Why are you asking me stupid questions you can find out the answer to yourself again?

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You were correct @mickee321

I gave him an opportunity to develop and substantiate his argument and he got very petulant.


since last August, 887 people under the age of 40 have died of Covid.

How many people under the age of 40 have died from the vaccine. In actual reports.

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in terms of fatality rateā€¦(Iā€™m hopeless with numbers as we know)ā€¦what does that stack up as?

over the population or over the amount who have had it?

Thatā€™s an EU figure or European?

bothā€¦sorryā€¦im driving here



ah he/she is a mess.
there is potential there to be a decent poster but the defensive type bully comes out too often reallyā€¦its just not pleasant to read really and adds nothing to the conversation, everything is personalised, I dont see why

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Based on those figures from that website, 4,603,239 people had it, so a death rate of 0.019%.

Based on population, I dont know. Whats the population under 40 in the EU?

There are investigations into about 30 cases of 17 million AZ vaccines.

grand thanks gman
neglibe then

yup. 1 in 5,000 people under 40 who got it died.

The negligible stat for vaccine death is much, much lower than that.

if fellas under 40 want to get themselves and their kids vaccinated i have no problem with that, it should not however be even part of the national conversation once the at risk group are done., its just personal choice then like standard fluā€¦it certainly shouldnā€™t be gating society opening

Thereā€™s been 3 deaths under the age of 40 in Norway from Covid in total.

2 deaths from the vaccine in the past week.

Another death in Sweden linked to it and one in Austria as well.

A 27 year old Georgian nurse is in ICU after the AZ vaccine, she had received flu jabs before without any reactions.

Itā€™s certainly worth pausing for a brief moment and considering whether this poses far more risks than benefits.

The vaccine rollout has not hit the u40 cohort yet though.

Yes. Thatā€™s been done. Itā€™s been categorically proven that the benefits far outweigh the risks.

Try to keep up.

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No it hasnā€™t.

The EMA dismissed these concerns from the start.

Norway and Sweden have still paused it. Norway have concluded that the vaccines were responsible for the death of 2 people in the past week.

No, youā€™re telling lies there, it has indeed actually been done.

Most of Europe has resumed using the vaccine now.

No Iā€™m being truthful.

What I said was the EMA dismissed this from the start which is what they did. They never ordered the vaccine be stopped while they investigated.

On the other hand, medical authorities in Norway and Sweden did stop the AZ vaccine after serious incidents occurred. 2 deaths in Norway, 1 in Sweden. They remain paused in both Norway and Sweden and in Norway they have concluded that the vaccines were the only possible cause of the two deaths.

There are no lies there, only the truth.

So if you want to spin the forum a web of lies then thatā€™s your call but I have too much honour to put my name to that kind of deceit.