Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Do the EMA have the authority to order states to stop using the vaccine? I don’t think they do. You’re making things up again.

A review was carried out, as you belatedly suggested, and the vaccine was deemed to be effective with its benefits far outweighing it’s risks.

Most EU countries have now resumed using the vaccine.

They can instruct them to without authorising.

They actually went the other way, they publicly announced that they felt the vaccines were safe before they concluded their investigation.

Their investigation was a sham that was only ever going to provide one conclusion.

In Norway and Sweden they have gone a different way and they think this is far more serious than the EMA do.

We have two conflicting outlooks on this.

What evidence or expertise do you have that supports this statement?

The madness continues. Keep going for another 3 months :laughing: maniacs

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What have the Norwegians ever done for us?

Minds might get focused soon enough

Napapijri jackets.

nephet need “tony” back.
glynner messed up as well around October and he was trashed with the big T got his story to the 9 clock news…and kicked the door in on the Monday
I reckon he’ll come back may bank Holiday and make clean shit of the cunts.
itll be back to 2k by May…

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France are now saying only over 55s to get AZ vaccine.

The EU is in disarray


If you’re not in an at risk category, you would need your head examined getting the AZ vaccine.


I’m definitely not voting for this Ursula Von Der Leyen one at the next commission elections anyway


That’s fantastic …I’d say bbc and rte will be all over the story

Big Phil was keeping the whole show on the road.

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How come rte don’t publish the icu numbers anymore ?

There was some indication that those cases in Norway may be linked to women on the pill. All of them were young women apparently

We’re loaded. We told the EU to piss off when they handed us 19 billun.

They did yesterday. Do u want an hourly report or something?

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Blood clots in women on the pill are a known risk factor. Up to 10 women per 10,000.

Doctor on radio this morning said it was a far higher risk than AZ.

No evidence it exacerbates the risk.

The scaremongering around pregnancy seems to have been confined to a single press conference.

You know that’s not true now.

We’re so loaded we spent 10m telling the EU we didn’t want 19 billun.