Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Someone has to make the chips that bill Gates wants implanted into us with the vaccine in fairness.

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You know that’s not true.

Anyone have an update on Covid Placentitis? Hard to believe it’s only two weeks since we were all freaking out about that.

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RTE radio ones vox pop just there was almost full OIUTF. Sarah mc chatting about the backlash to ronan Glynn on social media. Definite change in the narrative. And nothing else matters a fuck. Twitter could save us yet.


Very true so no need to fret about about a few billun for welfare payments, we’re loaded.

The twitterati are turning. NPHET are losing the dressing room. The LIDTF crew are on the run.

Great to see


Big Tony will need to come back to grab Champ by the collar and reassert authority

He’ll be throwing every case he has at this for a few days

Fellas getting erectile dysfunction from long Covid will be marked down as causing a death in the -9 months to 0 age bracket.


He’ll let one roar out of him and Bridie will feel safe again.

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He’ll be above in the airport shouting go home Yank in his best Bull McCabe before we are finished

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I doubt it, that’s funny money at this stage. We need an uprising. Someone needs to take out Holohan. Who here is man enough?

I was wondering when this talk was start.
At first in jest

Ronan Spinn getting filleted for his “you need to do more” comments yesterday. The tide has most definitely turned.

Expect a few deaths to be dug up from December and added to today’s figures to calm the dissent. And more tales of a rural funeral infecting thousands.


It was a stupid comment on a day when they said they would take a few days to remobilise vaccination teams.

466 fines issues for organizing a house party and 1,842 fines issues for attending a house party.

Based on that, the Gardai are breaking up parties with an average of five people at them.

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Meehole still spouting on about the variants today as if it was a completely different disease that was ineffective against the vaccine. This nonsense has to stop get on with the vaccines and produce a credible roadmap to reopening.


300 vaccinations on Sunday, the neck on him



He’s only the messenger boy