Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Surge in cases in Waterford is due to a cluster in a toy factory. Surprised that making toys in considered essential work.

Martin is hilarious. He said the restrictions are working and pointing to the number of cases at Christmas and the numbers now as evidence.

No mention of how or why the numbers got so big at Christmas of course.

Dobbo half heartedly tried to mention the shopping centres but let Mee-hole steer off in another direction

The only way out of this mess is the Indian approach… Herd immunity. We all need to run the gauntlet and take our chances.

Not thinking yesterday I moved a lady’s trolley out of the way in B&Q… she was gone half way up the aisle looking at other items and the trolley was blocking the section I wanted to get into… i wasn’t thinking and said I’m just moving this down a bit… When she had a fanny attack - ‘ah Jesus I just spent ages cleaning down the handle’ … I just about stopped myself from saying ‘you don’t believe in that nonsense ?’… And just said sorry about that and picked up my fork from the shelf and walked off…

That’s where we’re at now… No fear to go into a store surrounded by people because we’re wearing magic masks but don’t touch me or I’ll die.


A key moment in this nonsense for me was when they came up with the idea that kids couldn’t transmit the virus in school but you had to be very careful that transmissions might happen standing outside the school gate.


That’s gas. I was jogging in the park this morning. Huge park, fairly quiet on a weekday morning, paths so wide two cars could pass each other. I’m trundling along and see an auld lady walking against me around 100m ahead. She’s hugging the edge of the pathway on one side so I go right over to the other side out of courtesy. As I get closer, I notice her fumbling in her pockets and she produces a mask and quickly puts it on. As I get within around 20m of her, she practically jumps off the pathway into the shrubbery. There would have been about 4m between us at the point of passing but she’s made that around 7m now because she’s in amongst the daffodils. People are completely mental. Maybe she thought I was going to attack her though.


It’s a Mass hysteria event.

How does that woman think the products get put on the shelves.

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Time to ban joggers and shopping trolleys


with all our advances in the modern world you’d be forgiven for thinking we are living in an age of enlightenment or sophistication and reason. But this pandemic has shown that we are barely removed from the god fearing superstitious people’s of the middle ages who believed the earth was flat.


Yeah it’s been fascinating to watch from that perspective.

Once you scare people they’ll literally do anything.



Masks make us invisible so it was most likely she thought you were gonna attack her.

What kind of toys?

How much did you get from her handbag?


At my kid’s school i always see a lady who puts the mask on for the split second she gets out her car door to open her kids door and then back into the car she goes and off goes the mask …bonkers

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We need to crack down on the ‘Hooray Henrys’

What’s this about?

An outbreak?

Probably is essential down there for all throwing them out of the pram they do …

Playing cards and board games.

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