Coronavirus - Here come the variants

12000 cases here today, the highest number in about six weeks. Restrictions reimposed in some province up North, Mazury I think. Anyone coming in from Czech or Slovakia has to quarantine for two weeks because they are riddled. Visors/shields are banned, the Govt says they are only a cod. Facemasks for everyone, no scarves or bandanas either.

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AK47 was a bit like myself and @Bandage - ardent OIUTF throughout 2020, before switching sides to LIDTF circa December 27th/28th last.

Its a very fluid situation to be fair.

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Going by this we will be nowhere near double figure cases as we approach Easter, but you would hope the vaccination program means a lot less people are hospitalised by then.

The ZeroCovid side would claim they are OIUTF via LIDTF


99% of deaths come from 20% of the population according to the Brits I’m sure we are similar. I find it bizarre we aren’t going for a longer timeline on the Pfizer if it means we can get that 20% vaccinated once twice as fast and it’s 85% effective then they are literally costing lives

Its easy to adopt a position where no one will never know the outcome because its based on fantasy. They can never really be challenged on it. 1 life lost to Covid is too many are slogans they like to use. No matter how far left the current administration go the opposition are in sunk cost fallacy mode which pushes them further left and more extreme. Reopening the economy doesn’t really tally with them. They would prefer to flatten it and give everyone a liveable wage. Unfortunately Irish people don’t really do protests. They take the line of least resistance and emigrate.

I found this graph interesting

It doesn’t cover 2007 and 2008 when bank bailout occurred but after recession hit and IMF came to town we had a negative net immigration rate which was offset significantly by many arrivals into Irish mnc and shared service centres from European countries.

It will be interesting to see what happens in years ahead. Shutting down construction will prove to be a massive error. Also viability of a lot of service businesses could take a hit. Tourism and aviation are massive ones that will take a long time to recover.



OIUTFVLIDTF. In an idealish world this is definitely the best strategy

No messing around.

Ye took yer eyes off the ball.

Zero-covid crew surely holed before the water-line now. Have any of them addressed the gript leak?

Can’t wait to see McDonkey challenged on this the next time he’s on TV

Hardly a slogan. I imagine it would be unethical for a professional medic to propose anything that endangers life. May not apply in all cases but for Covid there is no way a medic could push the OIUTF mantra. A lot of ire seems to be misdirected towards medical professionals just doing their job.

The government should be the target of your anger. Having said that, the governments who initially apllied your preferred strategy have all rowed back in some shape or form. Sweden and the UK being prime examples of bringing in increased restrictions and are still doing so.

The lack of optimism from some quarters about the vaccine is a strange one but fortunately seems to be restricted to RTE/NPHET, they will fold to what’s being done aroud the rest of Europe so I wouldn’t be getting too bothered about it. If the vaccine is successful then despite what you or others think, most governments will have been vindicated for being more cautious at the start. History will look at the fatality numbers not the before/after ISEQ/NASDAQ figures… well maybe @Tim_Riggins’ ancestors will.

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Its all coming up OIUTF. We wont be denied summer pints.

No ifs, no buts.

Third wave innit?

But will we spend September to December locked down remembering the summer pints ?

22 days ago my friend.

All this talk of variants will leave George Lee like a riderless horse running wildly through the suburbs of hysteria.

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