Coronavirus - Here come the variants

That’s an awful dig to @gilgamboa and the social rugby crew


Fuck him, he had it coming

Tag rugby is one of the few avenues to feel up your work colleagues in today’s woke PC environment.

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Sure most lads on here are experts in everything

181 cases in the North today, positivity rate 1.37%

We even have experts in raising kids who have none.

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Summer in Belfast

God love us all. I hope you get over it. My DMs are open to you.

Company sponsored sexual harassment, I always find fellas big into the tag Ruby to be similar to woke lads underhand creeps. Atlas you know what kind of deviants rubby players are

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

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A Luke o’neill fantasy

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Looks like the Irish media got with they wanted with MHQ.

What has this country become?

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They only find out after the plane has landed?:open_mouth:

What’s the point of that cunt posting that on twitter?

There you go now. The only thing is a few people would want her publicly flogged now as well. Returning to your own country, detained for two weeks and a few grand out of pocket for the privilege


This is what the LIDTF crew want to see

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I was only following orders won’t save you come the revolution.

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We need someone shouting “shame” repeatedly as they are taken away

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Yep, Shame on her for possibly bringing continuuing infection into the country. Should have thought of that before she went gallivanting.

Sure you don’t know where she was or what she was doing