Coronavirus - Here come the variants

These people have, in the main, already tested negative.

This is tfk. Of course I know.

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If youā€™da locked that airport down this time last year none of this woulda happened mate. Itā€™s your fault.

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Thatā€™s actually upsetting

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Itā€™s just terrible. I suppose the children will adapt to the point where cynical soulless automatons can claim itā€™s for the greater good, but thereā€™s no way itā€™s not harming them.

I reckon weā€™ll look back on this period in Reeling in the Years in decades to come and wonder WTF we were at.

People vilified for protesting, citizens confined to their homes and fined for travelling more than 5k, Garda hunting people at airports and ports, tiny numbers allowed at funerals, health services shut down for everything bar this one disease with a 99.97% survival rate, widespread closure of business and social activities, private fee-paying school employees getting vaccines ahead of the elderly and vulnerable, fruit pickers demonised, a few students drinking on the street being treated like serial killers, the gullible electorate swallowing the selective statistics and never ending scare mongering from NPHET.

And Roy Keane joining Instagram.


Iā€™m assuming, using this quarantine logic, anyone found at a gathering, anyone at a funeral/wedding over the limit of guests, anyone found outside their 5kmā€¦they will all be arrested and detained for 14 days. Just to make sure they dont have a variant

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Hackers focusing on the roll out in the UK.

Can wait to here this when it comes up on Joe Duffy.

I used to rob apples out of Mrs Gossips orchard but that was ok because she was a Protestant. She didnā€™t like it because she was going to use every last apple, because she was a Protestant.


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Actually now that I think of it when I lived on the other side of town there was a progressive farm (probably a Protestant) who started growing maize. We would rob the maize and just throw it away.


Including the desire to be a grown up

Have there been any stories at all in the media about the people whoā€™ve died? I havenā€™t heard of anyone who died from it really. The few Iā€™ve heard of who had it and died were very old and the main tragic part was relatives not able to see them, small funeral etc.
20 more dead today but never any mention of who they are.

George Lee practically bubbling with excitement on the news as he gives another bleak assessment

Ryan Tubridy ran a brief segment on the LLS about the people who had passed away due to COVID around May of last year I think.

The Beacon coming out fighting. 200 no shows as people double booked by HSE

Surprised thereā€™s not more of it to be honest. Personalising it putting faces to them, naming them in the papers etc was a big thing in the road safety campaign. Of course the cynical view is a lot of them arenā€™t dying from covid at all or the fact that they are all so old would undermine the message but who the fuck knows :man_shrugging:


I imagine this will be buried. The beacon is owned by DOB