Coronavirus - Here come the variants

That Beacon story is a complete load of bollocks in fairness.

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How so?If one of your parents was in the Beacon and was entitled to that jab but the bussed in 20 teachers from Bray 15km away youā€™d be fairly pissed.And weā€™d have to listen to it here.


Its a timing issue mate. People should be a lot more triggered by Nphet having the cheek to say kids shouldnt be allowed play together.

That for all parents in this country should be a red line in all fairness.

I couldnt care less about anyone getting a vaccine I wont ever take.


What sorcery are they using?

Look at the RBO you flute (the Twitter) if youā€™ve a genuine reason to do.

If itā€™s not registered report them to the guards.

If not shut the fuck up.

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And as a catholic it makes sense that others should provide for your needsā€¦
What about minor panels ? They must have been huge back in the day ,every aul lad seemed to be on itā€¦

The Beacon is a complete non story. By covid fanatics logic they should be happy, itā€™s another 20 souls vaccinated and protected from stealth bombers and passing on this time bomb of a disease to the aged. A story to get the peasants all riled up.

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Can people only be upset at one thing at a time?There were plenty of sick cancer patients in the Beacon that day waiting on the vaccine but sure letā€™s get Fiachara and Mollys teacher in and give them the dose.


George Lee needs to go


I couldnt care less mate

When it comes to the vaccines that havent gone through the regular clinical trials - Iā€™m not going to be a constituent so, its all the one.

Itā€™s a non story cause you donā€™t want the vaccine?I donā€™t want it either but thats not the point.

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Its a distraction from what FFG and the oppostion are at, 20 vaccines, who cares even if you were mad to take them, its completely insignifacant, mate.

The focus should be put on the HSE, NHpet and the government. What are they doing to give independent business a chance and the whole country a chance at living again.

I think thats a lot more important anyway.

I was on the county minor football panel :thinking:

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Stiofain O Ceannuibheacha has promised swingeing consequences for the beacon. They will have to work under a HSE lead from now on

The county panel or ā€˜aā€™ county panel?

There was never any scaremongering going on

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Good one

Why were 200 people double booked ?