Coronavirus - Here come the variants

They were also booked into the Aviva and went there instead

There will be a revolution in this century

Would you give ROD a call there and we can start the revolution? All this country needs is a man to stand behind


I heard it was 20 primary school teachers not secondary school teachers.

Amazing nobody said this is going to cause uproar. Even in school there is war about who was and wasnā€™t chosen - ages etc


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Heā€™s a complicated individual. He doesnā€™t want to be vaccinated but doesnā€™t mind who else gets vaccinated as long as everyone gets vaccinated expect the vulnerable getting vaccinated ahead of elite schoolteachers.

TFK is a hell of a place

What a dick


He needs to go


Heā€™s a danger to society at this stage

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Itā€™s outrageous misinformation. They arenā€™t fucking open for people to use them.

Heā€™s a clown.



Lee has been acting the cunt particularly since he left the td job and went back to rte. His sense of entitlement is as bad as Iā€™ve ever seen.

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Iā€™d assume vintners/restaurant associations will (rightly) kick up a stink about what George said.

You nā€™able for this

But being unpopular is a virtue for these peopleā€¦like itā€™s a burden theyā€™ve decided to carry for sake of saving lives and nothing at all to do with being obnoxious etc.

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Itā€™s gas watching/listening George Lee on the news every night.

Heā€™s given an opening gambit by Caitriona Perry or whoever before he embarks into a five minute uninterrupted spiel, usually a regurgitation of whatever NPHET have been hawking at that eveningā€™s press conference. Little tidbits about how cases are up 9.6% in the 0-12 age group which is causing grave concern. Of course this increase has nothing to do with the reopening of schools, as confirmed by Dr.Glynn.

Heā€™s like a Leaving Cert student doing the orals, heā€™ll be damned if heā€™s not going to shoehorn certain things in whether heā€™s asked or not.


What a scumbag

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:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: fucking hell