Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Erra look kid,

I know you’ve put a significant portion of your life into this venture here - good luck to with that, I will call you out every so often though, its the nature of a public forum.


You’re welcome to old friend. Just don’t expect me to take you seriously.

Watch out for that airborne virus like a good lad.

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The sad thing isn’t that he said that, but that it went unchallenged.

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A slap in the face of frontline workers

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Edit, carry on nothing to see here

304 in hospital, 66 in ICU.

Big drop over the week.

Up yer bollox George Lee.


Any word on the health system being overwhelmed?

That was the inital justification…

It cannot be called out enough either.


The variants that don’t exist yet have the potential to overwhelm the health service is where we are.


Heros. My sister said a PT in Carrick on Suirfot arrested for leaving members train away in his gym. Some curtain twitchers ratted him. Can anyone in south tipp/Waterford confirm this?

Hairdresser I know of had the guards call to her house and question her because a curtain twitcher had reported that someone was cutting hair. Same girl had been very firm with refusing requests during the lockdown and had to show the guards the messages on her phone to satisfy them.

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Would there be a sound moral argument for torching the curtain twitcher’s house? I’m willing to offer absolution if you feel so inclined


We had a neighbour call Garda during first lockdown on another neighbour getting a garden done.

Silly move.

Hopefully it’s not a dry summer cc @artfoley

Its mental stanzi shit. I see now I have to be careful who you trust. I got a coffee in Hook and ladder this morning and was chatting to the owner about the coffee vans been banned. Someone reported them for giving free coffees to frontline workers and crowds gathered. Batshit

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He’ll have to go

The real fuckers will need a few scapegoats…middle ranking types, enough to sate the public without interfering with the actual monumental scam.
It’s an old story. Guys like Lenin, Marx etc. Really just useful idiots at the end of the day.

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You have to love the way the mail couldn’t let a sensational story be sensational enough. “Magnifcent” 60 acre site. It couldn’t just be 60 acres they had to be magnificent

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Does it have road frontage? :heart_eyes:

It hasn’t happened because we’ve been locked down for the bones of a year, it won’t happen now that almost everybody will be vaccinated soon, there’s nothing to be ‘called out’, you can disagree or debate till the cows come home but you can’t argue with that really, hospital/ICU numbers were lessened by lockdown

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