Coronavirus - Here come the variants

What are we talking about so? The whole point is that his resignation/removal is being demanded.
He fucked up, what was his record up to now, did anybody ask?

It’s like the ‘curtain twitcher’ jibe which is thrown around a la carte as well, when it’s travellers at a funeral the rules are different.

The vaccines had to be used, now if there was 20 people on hand in the hospital then it’s awful, but to make 1 call to a school and use them up must have been tempting, rather than make 50 calls to people who would be vaccinated in a couple of days anyway.

It was a big mistake, maybe there’s more to it that makes it worse, but it is in the hapenny place of scandals that we’ve seen


I agree, its a thing of nothing when you think about.

If anything its potentially a distraction from the shitshow FFG have presided over with these rolling lockdowns.

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They weren’t spare…they were for the chosen

The issue that has been rapidly swept under the carpet in this imbroglio is the reason why there were spare vaccines in the first place.

More utter incompetence from the HSE that saw people booked into both the Beacon and Aviva at the same time. Yet again, these cunts are getting the narrative changed away from their idiocy.

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I’ve no idea what’s being called for , I’m not on social media. A public apology would be fine and the teachers should all get a fine for breaking the 5k limit.

That has happened in hospitals over here. Certainly at the beginning of the roll out. They went around and vaccinated the staff and other patients. I’m sure that could have been done in this case.

The fact 200 people were double booked for vaccines is a bigger scandal.

A knee to the groin of front line staff.


That’s all fine with me, perhaps he’s a cunt doing a shit job anyway and this is the straw that broke the camels back.
But the sense of permanent outrage in society now, not even society in general but social media, is fucking ridiculous. I don’t know how people can get out of bed, just look after yourself and worry about the big stuff

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That’s not the bigger scandal


The lads closing down the Beacon vaccination programme are most likely non front line HSE staff large amounts of whom have been vaccinated

The Beacon don’t need the HSE and have already told them to fuck off.

It is.

It’s institutional incompetence from HSE and why we’re locked down at end of March because we can’t run a functioning health system no matter how much money we pump into it.

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Stay off social media…

I don’t do anything, I follow a few fantasy nfl and teacher accounts, my old sports clubs and a couple of friends on twitter, a few historical ones, mostly local to Limerick or Cork, that’s it really, a lot of stuff still leaks through obviously, but it’s no worse than here generally

I never had Facebook or anything else, twitter has its positives

This just in. The M&S sneaky SALE has been reported and is now no longer in operation

Ah they promised me they wouldn’t run away

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So the vaccines come in packets of 10 each, once opened you have to use them within 6 hours


They had a good thing going too

Officially a vial contains 5 doses of the vaccine.

Depending on how skilled/accurate the person diluting it is, you may get another dose from it.

The instruction is that if there is more than 0.3ml left it can be used as a dose but If it’s less then it can’t as it’s not a full dose. You can’t mix vials to get over the 0.3ml either.