Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Like milk in cereal.

In fairness the pandemic has really amplified this. People are on a hair trigger.

The Beacon Hospital livery in evidence here at the rugby.

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Teachers should be front line priorities for vaccines anyway but this guy in the Beacon is a nasty piece of work. He has elderly cancer patients who havenā€™t been vaccinated but theyā€™re not his priority. Heā€™s giving them to his kidsā€™ teachers and creche workers because heā€™s a mĆ©-feiner.

I felt very sorry for the guy in the Coombe but Beacon man has seen that story and knew he was doing wrong. He didnā€™t give a shit. Heā€™s getting paid a lot of money to do a job for the State and knew what was expected of him but decided to abuse that trust. Itā€™s pure corruption.


Up the Pubs

Vintnersā€™ Federation of Ireland

tuSpoda4nsorhed Ā·

Still no clarification from @GeorgeLeeRTE or
RTƉ News
about these disgraceful comments that pubs and restaurants are to blame for the spike in Covid cases. Closed pubs/restaurants are not the problem!

RTƉ News
please clarify


Thatā€™s really it, he canā€™t claim ignorance after the earlier controversy. His priority as a healthcare professional was to get his kidā€™s teachers vaccinated ahead of anyone in the hospital. Heā€™s only sorry because he got caught.


The effects of the walk in test centres to lower the positivity rate.


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I hope the guy loses his job, he has clearly shown that he canā€™t be trusted to be in it. Why should he get to keep such a high paid and exalted position? Fuck him out on his ear.


Canā€™t see that happening, and doubt thereā€™s anything in his contract to cover this kind of issue. Most likely the next four or five in line behind him would have done the same.


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Shoot to kill

Was in dunnes there with misses bushes. Had an interaction that has put me in the mood. We get our bits, shop not too busy, no basket or trolley just handfuls between us. We rock unto the self service to pay, mid scanning the women monitoring the self service says to me only one per till, I said sure weā€™re together, she says no only one person per till. I replied what are you on about? She said its due to covid etc. I said are you for real, itā€™s a bit ridiculous she got thick with me and I put down the stuff and left herself pay away. I stood outside the checkout area and had to come back to help carry it out.

12 months in and the first time this is a requirement. Madness. A small thing shouldnā€™t tip me over but fuck it I wantd a rant


Nice try Leo but the panic merchants under the bed close the schools crew only look at case numbers so those walk in test centres will serve to spur them on.


Rules are rules.

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You should have dropped the stuff on the tray there and walked away, 100% thatā€™s what i would have done, the Missus would have known enough to follow me too :grinning:
Jobsworths annoy me


Might have been the Limerick top. Discrimination

You should be locked up in mandatory quarantine for that.

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Yeah done a few times before, left it off and the seethe came in thinking back when driving home.

100% only answer for it. Disgraceful carry in.

Iā€™d a wanker security guard tell me to pull my mask up over my nose this morning going into Dunnes.

I just laughed at him and kept walking.

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