Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Would you have a strong Limerick accent bud?

Which Dunnes, kid?

I normally go to Childers Road and the staff there are toppers, in fairness to them.

They have had an effect, but testing approx 1500 at a positivity rate of 1.7% in those centres has only reduced that daily percentage by about .1%

Generally that seems to be positive news, that and a lot of counties the 14 day incident rate has continued to fall, which suggests there is another underlying issue in certain counties rather than just stalling at around 600 cases due to the new variant.

Yeah no denying it kid

I seeā€¦

Blackpool in cork, sure Iā€™m in there 3 or 4 times a week for the last 12 months and the first time I got this crap


Heā€™s just doing his job, he might not even agree with it himself but itā€™s not the point. If you worked in an office youā€™d have to wear a mask properly and if you laughed at your boss and refused he would be justified in firing you. Not a battle worth fighting.

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Itā€™s a pity you donā€™t hold public servants to the same lofty standards.


He could look the other way too mate. Cloth masks are a cod and have been since they were made mandatory last summer.

Unless youā€™ve maybe a N95 surgical one - theyā€™re a complete waste of time especially when people practice social distancing now unconciously in shops anyway.

Your opinion on masks is irrelevant, his job is to enforce the rules. Why should he make an exception for you? Itā€™s a private business, they can refuse you entry if they like.

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Strict on that in Tesco in Paul Street too.

The rules are bullshit though.

If the rules where you had to jump off a cliff would you do it? As thats the rules?

Also I wasnt stopped, I kept walking no bother at all.

I never wear the mask properly as I donā€™t believe in it. 12 months down the line and Iā€™ve never had as much as a sniffle.

Itā€™s irrelevant what you think of the rules, and your analogy is dumb. Once again itā€™s a private business and they get to set and enforce the rules, not you. If you were called into the office tomorrow and told to wear a mask properly, would you walk in and laugh at your boss if he asked you to pull it over your nose?


Itā€™s not really the same as @Heyyoubehindthebushes scenario,
In your case you are an increased risk to the entire centre, thatā€™s how theyā€™d see it whatever your own views,
@Heyyoubehindthebushes and his missus were endangering nobody but each other, thatā€™s a stupid rule.

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Society is literally falling apart.


If I felt in anyway unwell I would stay at home, covid disease particles are not blocked by a cloth mask anyway.

So its all the one.

You belittled your man for no good reason though

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Youā€™re still missing the point, and avoiding the question about your workplace. They donā€™t care what your views are on masks, they get to set the rules not you.

My workplace is not your concern mate and I wonā€™t be discussing it here frankly.

It is but I agree with TMI masks donā€™t make a difference unless n95 etc. Wearing it wrong isnā€™t going to kill everyone. I rather not wear one but I couldnā€™t be arsed arguing with shop staff over something petty.

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