Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Your beliefs and values are your own, I’d be very annoyed at the shop staffer who wouldn’t let you stand at the till with your wife because I think that’s a stupid rule that nobody cares about it, but the other situation is quite different, that guys main job is probably to enforce the mask wearing policy which like it or not is probably the only reason why many people go into the shop at all, some people are afraid of people without masks, now you can argue the rights and wrongs of that but it’s a fact.
There was no need to belittle that fella by laughing at his request, it’s a shitty enough job

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I agree on the masks I wear it on the basis you have above. To ring a well rung bell its a cod but its not worth the wasted energy declaring that when getting a pint of milk.

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Sure the mask rules go hand in hand with destroying businesses. If I wanted to increase transmission I’d tell everyone to head to the same few multinational shops and restrict the hours they have to go to them.

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I’ve read that thrice and it still makes no sense.

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Nuke em all!
During Apocalypse Now , Kurtz is heard to say on an intercepted radio broadcast: “We must kill them all, cow after cow, pig after pig, village after village…,” and, as in Heart of Darkness , he leaves a final testament to this effect. Glimpsed briefly in the film, it has scrawled across its pages the words, “Nuke them all.”

@Glenshane’s solution … from 40 seconds in to 1min 15 secs

Take all the people who want to buy clothes, shrubs, microwaves, mobile phones, duvets, saucepans. Rather than have them going to 6 different shops make them all head to tesco, rub shoulders, share pin machines, breathe the same air as the 1000s that passed through that day…and restrict the hours to increase contact, just in case.

But sure that happened long before Covid, driven by the market feeding peoples laziness and willingness to accept cheap shite. Most people want convenience and don’t want to spend their time trudging around to different shops. I agree though it’s a risk with or without masks, I try and avoid shops as much as possible.

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The supermarkets are packed, they’ve increased their profits…the high street shops are closed. Presumably buying a phone in Tesco is safer than in the o2 shop.
You can’t buy alcohol here after 8…do you think that increases or decreases human contact?

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Paul Murphy said last year we should nationalise the airlines and turn them into high speed rail companies as travel ground to a halt. “What about the workers?”, Pat Kenny asked. “The workers should run the thing”, Pail said, “the workers know how to run an airline”. The workers know how to run a high speed rail company as well, apparently.

That is the level of debate from some sections of the left. They will not take any responsibility for this. The Labour Party were already abdicating responsibly for it during the week. The Government have been absolutely pathetic mind, but the opposition have also dealt in short term populism that has encouraged the above to happen.


No I agree, no shops or businesses should have been closed. Give them guidelines on best safety practices, like distancing and wearing masks, and let the public decide for themselves.

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Well I’ve good news for you. Masks are here to stay; once you accept the logic behind wearing them, blind yourself to the real reasons for imposing them and ignore counter arguments and established principles then there’s really no argument for ever not wearing them…indoors at least.


I think you’re wrong on masks. People were wearing masks long before they were mandated, and even when the “experts” were saying not to wear them. I think it’s 90% of people in the developed world that were wearing masks by June of 2020, there weren’t many mandates at that point. I don’t think mandates have made much difference, either imposing them or lifting them. I also think they will slowly go out of use as the year goes on and most people have immunity (until the next pandemic).

You’ll think people will just stop wearing them regardless of what they’re told?

But you see my point…if they make sense now then they’ll always make sense. Why would anyone in their right mind risk death/spreading a fatal virus ever again?

But they started wearing them before they were told, in many cases when they were told not to wear them. They made sense because there’s a highly infectious disease out there and people want to avoid it if they can and avoid spreading it to people for whom it is fairly deadly… but I do see your point.

Have they captured the Crown Plaza escapees yet?

What a fucking cod that is, especially 12 months into this thing,

Absolutely ridiclious to do that to people coming into the country and embarassing after 48 hours thay they can’t account for people who were supposed to have agreed to it,

A disgusting attempt at appeasing the zero covid zealots.


No one can recognise them…apparently they’re wearing masks


Sure look at the amount of children that go missing in state care, this century let alone the historical abuse by the Church and state

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But someone with a cloth mask below their nose getting a few messages in a shop is the problem.

You couldnt make it up mate.

I do t think the two things are in any way related.

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