Coronavirus - Here come the variants

That’s a different argument. 1 in 30 kids infected go to hospital is not the same as kids make up one in thirty of all hospitalisations.


Look, I’ve criticised McConkey and called him an asshole a lot.

If we took absolutely no action on Corona virus, let it rip, we would/could have had many thousands of deaths.

Bodies did literally pile up faster than they could be buried in many places - it is extremely foolish to forget that.

McConkey is still an asshole.

This is a view of the future. New Zealand has no Covid impact and were in the middle of their summer here, but just like here the Unions and journalists get together for a piece of advocacy.

We have had this for years here with the Monday morning trolley count, taken before the Consultants make the discharges. Covid is accelerating that now- a nurse or doctor will only have to say they are stressed out and stories will come up about the health service about to be overwhelmed. I would be shocked if there are not efforts for future lockdowns during normal respiratory flu seasons globally. With the level public discourse here, I can see it being tried. Health services are basically religions now and this is just going to get worse and worse as the baby boomer population ages.


You’re being sensationalist.


What is more sensationalist, the article or me?

Because let’s look at this rationally, for many years the hit on Ireland was resources and beds. But we have seen lockdown become the default protection for health services all over the places, no matter the resource. Countries that tried to manage this, like Sweden, have been attacked relentlessly for it. It would appear now that it doesn’t matter what the resources are thrown at this, we can only protect the health service by large scale societal interventions. Politicians globally are now shitscared or any distressing hospital images of questioning medics.

Who is going to question a nurse or doctor for a story like the above? They won’t, journalists have been churning these stories out for years based on Union communications but now the public are listening more than ever. If someone says next January that we are two weeks from running out of capacity, this discussion will happen.


Your post was sensationalist, and your second one.

This is the real reason why I’m anti-lockdown. It won’t just be for covid. Every flu season will be a deadly new flu variant with a scary name and hype. Archbishop Holohan wanted a lockdown a few years ago for a flu season, next time he’ll get one.


We have seen winters where Influenza related weekly admissions were at COVID-19 levels.

There’s nothing sensationalist about this, is is an advisory to the U.K. government.

How do you think politicians will react now to a medic saying that their hospital will he overrun in two weeks because of seasonal influenza?

Yup. The narrative has been totally changed and what governments can and can’t do is also very different.

We are a society now built on social media policy making in the short term. And we have a generation who are ageing now who have grown up with more expectations on what governments can do for them. We have spent the last year locking up young and healthy people precisely to save an older generation and for “societal cohesion”, there are few limits now to where we will go in the future.

It is a very serious risk in my opinion. In some ways, things like diabetes and heart disease due to unhealthy lifestyles might impact mortality enough earlier to stop many boombers getting to the age where respiratory illnesses really impact our health services.


Lockdowns aren’t right. End of.

If I believed that to be the case I’d be as anti lockdown as anyone here currently is,

I believe common sense will prevail once we’re out of this, mistakes have been made and I believe we’ll learn from them in the cold light of day.

Yeah the genie is out of the bottle. It really depends on if media/social media run with it in the future.

I think things like masks and social distancing in flu season are here to stay. That’s not necessarily a bad thing if it was just common sense stuff and hand washing

It’ll be interesting to see if lockdown and anti Covid measures have wiped out or greatly reduced other infectious diseases. There were suggestions it would greatly reduce HIV particularly in the MSM demographic

You’re having a shocking Covid mate. It’s actually unsettling viewing at this stage.

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It is going to be interesting what happens in NZ and Australia this winter.

Outside of Melbourne they basically did not have a respiratory season last year. They are concerned about what will happen this year.

If it’s Covid or Influenza, there is going to be something that impacts on their aged population eventually that will lead to their hospitals seeing a surge.

If they see a return of the flu and there’s stories about hospitals being in trouble because of it, what will happen next winter here? It’s a legitimate question given how things have moved. Hopefully it is just more widespread promotion of the flu shot, but I am concerned.

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More nonsense.

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cc @Tank @farmerinthecity @Fran


cc @Copper_pipe

Not a stir in the last few days.

There would never have been the measures that we saw introduced in the last year if this had happened even 20 years ago.

You yourself are against MHQ, it’s politically motivated and was introduced to appease social media. The steps we are willing to take have continued to go further and further.

Do you agree or disagree that Covid-19 has changed the world dramatically? What do you think will happen when we get to the next winter flu season? I really hope that we simply have a strong drive for a flu vaccine but what I am sure about is that we will have stories about hospitals about to meltdown again. After what’s happened in the last year, I am not so sure the urge will not be there to try large scale interventions. The public health bodies are already talking about it.