Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Keep vigilant.

The Health bodies will certainly have their arm out looking for cash and the politicians won’t be able to knock them back. You can chalk an extra €5bn easily onto the Health budget.

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But sure the cash thing is irrelevant now, nearly the whole of Europe has had varying degrees of success. It doesn’t matter if we double capacity, if there is modelling that suggests mad growth and scare stories from the healthcare sector, you’ll have some people looking for some kind of societal restriction. “Sure it’s just two weeks in January”.

Isn’t this idea of yearly lock downs a scare story in itself?

Huh? It’s a discussion on potential future policies.

What are the negative consequences of it?

Like any scaremongering, it can cause unnecessary fear.
It’s not a criticism of you, I’ve seen this being written about elsewhere also.
The thoughts of regular future lockdowns is terrifying.


God I miss @HBV sometimes

If the ECB stop buying government bonds there won’t be PUP, business supports, wage subsidies etc ergo no further lockdowns. If they don’t unquestionably we will have a lockdown(s) for the next flu season.

How dare you ! Some of the most sought after business minds on the planet reside here!


I think the publics appetite for lockdowns will dissipate markedly once the future tax hikes kick in

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What impresses me most about the brilliant minds on here is their Work/TFK balance.


The average TFKer spent their work time on business travel and banging their Secretary. Neither conducive to WFH ergo more posting time.

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Its aint easy bro

cat working GIF

A mate of mine got an anonymous Valentine’s Day card this year. He thought about who it might be, then called up a mutual female friend of ours who he’d shagged a couple of years ago and told her sorry but he just wasn’t interested anymore. He thought she’d let herself go but he phrased it diplomatically. She said, “What the fuck are you on about you cunt? I don’t know anything about your fucking card.”

I was joking with this about her and a few other friends over a few drinks and we came up with a plan where we’d all send him anonymous cards. His birthday was in March so I sent him an anonymous card with a sexy message and a white lace thong I bought online. I wore the thong around for a few days and wiped my ass on it too. It was a brown and nasty garment when I put it in the post. He blamed it on our mutual female friend again until someone felt sorry for him and rumbled me. I told him to take a good sniff of the thong and see who it smelled like. He said he’d done that and still thought it was our female friend. Then I came clean.

It would have been funnier if the others had sent their anonymous cards like they said they would but you’ve got to occupy somehow yourself during lockdown.


Sounds like a weak ass excuse a lad would give to his missus when he was caught in them. We believe you mate.

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Sounds like an absolutely outstanding excuse…


Equally I think if the big oiutf men were guaranteed it would be all over never to be heard of again later this year they would be happy to put shoulder to the wheel now. This is going to be a right or wrong issue and we’ll know the answer in a year or two. Pessimism seems to be the main characteristic of the real hard-line OIUTF gang and maybe they’re right. I’m more your thinking at the moment but I’m leaning more and more the other way as time goes on. Only time will tell.

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I’ve just realised that sending someone my shit-stained thong was very irresponsible behaviour in the current pandemic environment. @mikehunt for one would have bollocksed me right out of it.