Coronavirus - Here come the variants


That never happened


I wish all my stories involved female friends like @Tankā€™s do

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I have some lady friends also

Just when you thought you couldnt have any more disdain for NPHET, the cunts and their fucking marathon meetings. What a useless shower of loving the sound of their own voices, gasbag bastards

Theyā€™ve overtaken Bono as Irelandā€™s greatest wum.

The plateau continues

Sure they went away and setup a load of walk in centres to keep the numbers high

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New cases have been essentially on plateau for the past 30 days, but the deaths are going down. 7-day average for deaths gone from 26 on 1/3/21 to 11 yesterday.

I base it on a few things;

  1. journalists are lazy and have always regurgitated basic press releases, whether thatā€™s from a trade union or a PR agency. We have seen this for years here with trolly counts and we are seeing it nearly daily on Covid, to a hyper degree. The NZ story is interesting as they have no Covid impact and that was based on their summer. The reporting though was of a crisis, I think people are loath to question that narrative for fear of being called out

  2. I think social media pushes (1) heavily and thatā€™s what influences politicians

  3. we have seen public health figures talk about the need for winter interventions

  4. we have seen NPHET state that we need to continue lockdowns to reduce waiting lists. I canā€™t understand how that isnā€™t questioned. They are promoting social distancing and mask wearing, both of which ensured many non essential hospital services didnā€™t continue when Covid was low. When exactly would we clear hospital waiting lists if this goes on? They have decided that restrictions have a use beyond an initial emergency

  5. when we started this, it was two weeks to flatten the curve. Last month we had NPHET saying ā€œjust 10 more weeksā€ of Level 5. Weeks no longer feel like a big deal to the public and some will try and sell it.

I hope it doesnā€™t happen. I hope the removal of the PUP and financial markets will mean it isnā€™t possible, but I am concerned about the narrative. Resources are no longer even the argument, itā€™s about protecting against phantom events.


As a matter of interest when the 1st wave was at its height - 14 April when the 7 day daily case rate was 800 and the 7 day daily death rate was 60 we were testing 20,000 people a week. We are now testing 20,000 people a day.


Thereā€™s about 50 of them who need to chip in.

Do you mean the opposite?

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Youā€™re being very nice with ā€˜chipā€™ Iā€™d say. Drones.

I donā€™t think thatā€™s what I was saying.
Weā€™ve had everybody on the opposite side accused of scaremongering for months, Iā€™m sure theyā€™d be able to justify their position also,
What you are suggesting will happen is questionable at least and unlikely in my own opinion, but itā€™s a terrifying prospect,

I do. Thanks. Iā€™ll edit.

Yeah itā€™s funny, same with the ā€œshockā€ over the number of asymptomatic cases in Blanch. Nolan was claiming they were catching 1 in 3 during the peak in April 2020.


This really is nonsense. Would you ever settle down.

Opinion piece from Bloomberg @glasagusban , worth a read.

Very much so

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You refuse to take a vaccine, which is the only way we get out of this.

But youā€™ll believe the opinion of some guy who says it will go on forever?
