Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Thats just as an example of a ridiclious narrative that is out there that you may have missed mate.

I think the cat is out of the bag on this and rolling lockdowns will happen regardless of how many vaccines I or anyone else were to take.

Leo will be white knuckling it tonight as he tries not to leak details ahead of tomorrow

Leo seems to be the only man willing to take on the medical junta

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He knows their weaknesses

Key so is to set yourself up in a nice seasonal industry, work your bollox off during the nicer months weather wise and then put the feet up every winter and pull in 350 a week

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Thats all grand while the ECB QE tap is on, won’t last forever mate.

Sure if theyre not paying decent FUP it won’t work they won’t get public buy in

If what you’re saying happens could also take a few 14 day holiday during the year just say you have a cough.

He was fairly quietened by them after that primetime interview last year. At least Varadker could see the disaster this will be for the economy - something that gormless cunt Martin was never going to grasp.


cc @Copper_pipe

You’d want to be some cunt to take a test at a voluntary test centre at this stage.


When the revolution comes, the ones who turned up to those voluntary test centres will be the first sent to the outlands*


You’d think the positivity rate should be much lower considering the walk in tests

Apparently 50% of B117 variant cases are asymptomatic


They only created these voluntary test centres to keep the case numbers high.

If you believe that you’re an idiot.


Lads getting tested “just in case” when people who were referred with symptoms and close contacts had a 5 per cent chance of being positive.

Sure at Christmas they were happy to tell people to stop getting tested.

Now they are begging people to get tested so they can keep the numbers high.


You could not make it up.

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That’s still going to be a very low proportion of the population though.

In fairness barring you need a negative test for some reason you’d have to be a bit simple to take time out of your day with no symptoms whatsoever to go for a test so I’d say theres a lot of people with symptoms turning up for tests, causing more harm as they come into contact with other people.