Coronavirus - Here come the variants

It’s outrageous what’s going on tbh.

Maybe you want to go visit a parent or something?

But a negative test does not mean you don’t have Covid.
According to NPHET.

I’d say that’s a very small group of people

Yeah apparently 7,000 people turned up to 5 centres. I don’t understand it myself. The health authorities, govt and public are transfixed by cases. Even when majority of adult population are vaccinated we will probably still have a demand for testing.

How many were positive?

The want case numbers up so they can continue with lock down and keep people from living their lives.

All of them for a critical thinking deficiency anyway, whatever about the auld covid.


3%. It added well over 200 cases to last weeks total.

Sure all you’ve to do is look at last June and July - we’d a casedemic only sure.

In fairness the 9 euro meal was a buffer there too , it offered savage protection from the virus.

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Are you taking the 3% from the overall weekly figure or on the 7000 tests?

Woth over 120k tests last week is that the highest weekly testing figure we have had?

I urge you all to go get tested and keep the numbers high. We don’t want to open up now and ruin everything, let’s get the vaccinations in so we can all breathe easily. One more summer wasted won’t kill us.

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In reality cases reported/actual real number of cases in the reported is probably 1:3. So if we have had 250K cases in reality we have had closer to 750K. I reckon it was rampant in the country as far back as January last year only it was undetected.


That would be my reading of it as well, absolutely.

7,000 tests. I’d say 120K tests is probably highest we have ever had.

We need to stop testing

It simply can’t have been rampant in January 2020, anywhere outside of China. It takes on average 5-6 days for symptoms to develop and another 4-5 days to be hospitalized for those that get seriously ill. The first death recorded in the UK was March 6th. Keep in mind there were no precautions being taken anywhere in western countries until mid February, so it would have spread far more rapidly than from February onwards.

We are a population of 4.9m and we have 4m tests carried out. At current run rate we will have on average 1 test per person carried out in the country. I know multiple tests will be carried out for individuals but by any stretch it is a remarkable figure. No doubt it has grown into a nice little cottage industry for some people.

We need to move to a one dose strategy…

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Nice terrifying ad there after the news in case you were thinking of having a bit of garden fun.