Coronavirus - Here come the variants

They done retrospective testing in France. They reckon it was there in December 19. I’m not sure I would place a lot of stock in Chinas timeline or sequence of events.

Lockdown has been great for me. I hope they open a few more random testing centres to keep the numbers up so we can keep this going another while yet.

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As somebody in the Tin foil hat business I concur, it’s a great time for us

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December 27th. I think it’s likely there were isolated cases in Europe and the US in late December but there is no way it was “rampant” in Ireland in January, as you would have had significant hospitalizations and deaths in early to mid February in major cities like London and Paris. France had 700,000 Chinese as of 2007, Chinese New Year was January 25th and there were large numbers flying from Wuhan of all places up to their lockdown on Jan 23rd.

It’ll all come out in the wash in a tribunal I suspect and fuck all will be done

Yeah - they’d do that if they were actually scared of the hospitals being overrun by Covid

Don’t Stay Calm and No Drunken Carry On

You can have my two vaccines pal and next autumns boosters, after all, you’re doing the country some service in your role :clap:

Interesting thread on how things are going over in the UK.

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Hasn’t a former head of the cdc put forward the theory that it was widespread before the wuhan outbreak? I think fauci initially offered this theory also

Interesting chart within

Only the Kent variant at play. No sign of the famous Californian and Nigerian strains

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We can vaccinate until the cows come home. The reality will be fuck all will change while NPHET continue to rule the roost.


Redfield? He has speculated that the virus escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology possibly as early as October 2019, but hasn’t provided any evidence for the claim. It’s certainly possible but it’s just as likely it originated in nature just like all other respiratory viruses, and started to spread in December. We’ve seen it transmitted to mink and back to humans, and it also infects cats, so it seems very transmissible between species.


…and the blood samples from October in france and italy?

I’m not arguing there weren’t earlier cases than originally thought, I’m arguing it wasn’t rampant in January otherwise there would have been a surge in hospitalizations and deaths in early February rather than late March. Of the various theories I think the escape from the lab in October has merit, I’m certainly not discounting it.

68% of Claire Byrne’s viewers want less restrictions. That translates to at least 80% in the real world I’d imagine

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Baz putting forward the case for the ordinary man

Ffs sake