Coronavirus - Here come the variants

No death from Covid in London today according to Luke Oā€™Neill. Unreal


That new advert is bleak.
Scare mongering might be more accurate

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We need to stay locked down to avoid another lock down

Nphet warned that if the health service loses control of the virus now it could result in a wave of new cases which could last into the summer.

This would put at risk plans to allow the hospitality industry to open during the summer months.

It would also mean there would be no economic boost for the tourism industry as staycations would not be permitted if Covid-19 transmission remains high.

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The vaccines seem to be doing a great job based on all the evidence. The issue will be when do we forget about case numbers as the primary factor in making decisions and open up

Serious test of the governmentā€™s balls now. Iā€™d imagine they will go ahead with the already mooted lessening of restrictions to not lose face. If they donā€™t weā€™re fucked. NPHET will not advise any loosening of restrictions at any stage. They are not concerned with public health they are concerned with covid case numbers only. The ICUs are at 25% capacity now and vaccination rollout will ramp up so that the majority of those who could end up in hospital will be vaccinated by the end of April so if we canā€™t start loosening up then we may as well throw our hat at it.


Can someone tell the cabinet that itā€™s all a cod

This is the exact same game they played in October, dangling Christmas.

They are a pathetic and worthless advisory group, career civil servants who are both risk averse and media hungry. How did it get this far?


khmer rouge had the right idea taking out the egg heads

Itā€™s a funny old virus, it was probably floating about Europe in the autumn, and if it was in Europe it was probably everywhereā€¦but no one noticed. It probably needed a good push from China to get it going

Back under the bed ye fucks

Totally fixated with cases. There is no risk tolerance. More waves. More grave concerns. Its pathetic. My main point though is that irrespective of mass vaccination and results from that, NPHET will focus on the negative and adopt a glass 5% empty mantra. That there is still risk that vaccines do not offer 100% efficacy and they will play up variants. We wonā€™t see a return to any semblance of normality until they fade into obscurity.


Doesnt Dr Ronan Glynns missus read the news on RTE?

Conflict of interest there?


Iā€™d imagine the 5 million that fled Wuhan in the weeks before their lockdown had something to do with the spread.

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Id be more than surprised if it didnā€™t come from that lab. Made in China :microscope::biohazard::heavy_check_mark:


Do you have an opinion at all mate other than to just share the latest bad news?

If I were you at around 25 years of age, I would be very much against this. The best years of your life been taken away - but you seem to be more interested in obscure betting leagues, reddit shorts etc,

I find that a bit odd to be honest. Maybe its a generational thing or youā€™re a complete oddball.

Iā€™m not sureā€¦find it hard to fathom how youā€™re happy to throw away that in your 20ā€™s though for a few cans of cider and another easter egg.

The beatings will continueā€¦


Another 4-8 weeks of living with Covid. A great opportunity to try a zero Covid approach really.

ā€¦but without the bit about morale improving

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Move back to Wexford.

1 trip upto Dublin every two weeks would be manageable.

I think youā€™d be foolish not to do it if you can.