Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Discussing variants now with Dr Luke and CB and models of the virus made from old Christmas tree decorations and Lo and behold CB says AZ does not work against SA variant

Weā€™re being trolled now.


Luke like a lad in a butchers shop here.

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Cowboy hats and sheriffs

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The science is so dumbed down itā€™s bordering on a kids Saturday morning show.

Do they ever mention T cell immunity any of these lads?

Wexford is one of Irelandā€™s most beautiful counties @Bandage


No - Luke in fairness did bat back some of CBā€™s attempts at scaremongering but the RTE agenda is so nakedly negative itā€™s a parody.

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Oh yesā€¦sure thatā€™s whatā€™s happening in manausā€¦so donā€™t you naughty children go thinking about t cells

Looking at those maps Luke you could say that we should have travel restrictions against France and Italy to keep out those variants.

Eh Claire theyā€™re already here.

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For anyone paying attention luke just sold the next vaccine, permanent restrictions and his world view

The Zero Coviders must hate Luke for his optimism

Surprised RTE letting Luke on tv.

McConkey will be livid watching Lukeā€™s brand of hopeful chat

That new ad from the HSE/NPHET/government is probably the lowest point yet in their efforts to terrify people.

Completely and utterly shameless in their fear mongering. They donā€™t even try to hide it now. Unbelievably crass and thereā€™s plenty out there who will use it as confirmation bias to continue living in fear.

I despise NPHET and this cowardly government who indulge them.


Post reported.

Someone ban this fucker

The cases are so high amongst the younger demographic I donā€™t think theyā€™ll get much lower than the current rates due to the socialising etc for a good while yet. The risk of course is someone (in the younger demographic) passing on the virus to a vulnerable family member or other vulnerable person etc. Which is why I think they are slow to open up for another bit . Give it another month or 6 weeks and the majority of the elderly and vulnerable will be vaccinated Iā€™d say. Iā€™d expect the opening up to begin thenā€¦

Iā€™m not sure what you expect me to be doing considering the times we are in? I enjoy a pint or night out as much as anyone and Iā€™ll be looking forward to doing so when it comes around in the future. Whatever about the Reddit shorts, Iā€™ve been punting on the obscure leagues before any pandemic and will continue to do so post pandemic.

Iā€™m as zen as can be for the times we are in.

You should try it some time.


I donā€™t think the Zero Covidians have ever had a go at the bould Luke despite him being an unrepentant hope monger.

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Luke, sam, tamas and some other gobshites all on tv tonight sporting scrubs or lab coats.
Iā€™d like to have been standing by when the fuckers were reflecting on ways to fully impress their authority and importance upon the plain people of Ireland.
It would have been great craic to start spraying the room with automatic gunfireā€¦small calibre, lowish (but still lethal) velocity, high round count Tony sheltering behind Sam. Luke seeking out children to use as human shields.
Night lads.

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Good to hear mate.

Heather Hunphries stuttering and stammering away through one of her typical car crash interviews on Ireland AM.

She keeps saying we are getting 2.2m doses of J&J in April and to just stick with it for a few more weeks. I feel like punching the TV

Tommy Bowe actually giving a Tour De France :clap: