Coronavirus - Here come the variants

She is an utterly terrible public speaker.

Was this on Ireland AM? Tommy and your one grilled Leo last month also. Only person I can remember doing so.

Ya they were good in fairness to them. Didn’t hold back, but sure they may as well have been interviewing a bucket.

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Waiting until the schools are back before making changes…

They mentioned on news yesterday one change a week to allow it’s impact be assessed but kids outdoor sport likely to be allowed.

The delay in allowing children’s sport to recommence when school have been back for a month is a joke, make the announcement tonight and get started tomorrow.

I’m optimistic about the rest, vaccination is successful elsewhere, we’ll have the back broken in this n a couple of months (in my opinion)


You’d think it would take more than a week to assess the impact of any significant changes to the current restrictions…

From RTE

Mr Martin will also set out a plan for a broader relaxation in May and June with the return of non-essential retail, outdoor dining and personal services, but no dates will be attached to it.

You’d think they’d have a bit more work done on broader relaxation and be able be give indications of what will be relaxed next at what percentage of vaccination, give people something to look forward to.

I genuinely think the back is broken in it as soon as you get down to age 50 or so vaccinated. Some restrictions will maintain another while but there’s no reason things shouldn’t be substantially less restricted than last summer by July at the latest.


July now is it? And shur look even if it’s August or September or October or 2024 shur what harm. Level 5 restrictions from October to June bar a few weeks in December and people are ok with that…history will not be kind to us.


Ya, I think we’ll see restrictions continue in crowded environments for the remainder of this year, we can forget about crowded pubs or sell out matches and gigs for 2021 but we should see a return to acceptable normality and hopefully it’ll be wrapped up early next year

Ridiculously conservative approach being taken here by government. Stinks of them just buying themselves some time and hoping for the best. Another bullshit, wishy-washy “we’ll assess again in a few weeks” pile of shite.

Kids sport should be back now. Construction should never have stopped. The distance limit is ridiculous and should be scrapped. Allow people to move to do outdoor pursuits, like golf, hillwalking, visit a park or a beach.


Its what the majority of people are in favour of unfortunately.

I dont believe or cannot countenance those polls. Maybe its because I have blind faith in humanity or that people have some modicum of intelligence but I cannot comprehend how someone would think the current level of restrictions are in anyway justifiable.


Pal, it’s been obvious we are looking at August for a good while now… You lads need to stop hearing what you want to happen instead of what’s actually happening.

Anyway after seeing that new ad I don’t think we should open at all. It’s very scary.

Why would there be any restrictions once everyone is vaccinated which at this point is meant to be June?


You still watch RTE?

Whatever about the vulnerable, I cant get my head around anyone suggesting restrictions beyond when everyone has been offered their vaccine

Just for the ads.


Nothing will change between June of this year and June of next year if the vaccinations go as planned. It is absolutely terrifying that people are thinking like this. This could go on for years if some people in this country got their way.