Coronavirus - Here come the variants

I’d say they realised that 6 months ago, along with everyone else with half a brain

Fucks sake

Our health infrastructure is not fit for purpose. The CMO will have to go

Feargal has seemed to pivot away from pedalling the Government narrative in recent weeks


The boys are shockingly desperate to stay relevant.

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He’s 100% bang on there

We need a revolution @Heyyoubehindthebushes recommended non violent social disorder by mass non compliance to the nphet degree


The first early signals have emerged that vaccination is leading to a fall in Covid-19 cases among nursing home residents and health staff, it was announced today.
HSE chief clinical officer Dr Colm Henry said in the week to February 14 there were 482 cases in residential centres and this fell to 91 last week.

He said the fall in Covid-19 among hospital staff is “quite significant” – peaking at 2,000 cases in early January.

This dropped to 95 last week and the current level of cases is down to 50.


Ffs, sure they’ve killed the half of them, unless niphet can get them to die twice a decline is inevitable
Anything is possible with statistics right enough

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thats all well and good about hospitals having 2,000 cases, but there were 3 confirmed cases of the highly toxic Brazilian variant after being let into the country. Surely the answer here is to shut all borders and close the country down even more, clearly the problem here is airports and Brazilians.


I called Fergal Bowers pivoting away from the narrative some time ago on here before it ever became apparent with pronouncements like this and before the penny fully dropped with Fergal himself dare I say.

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Even though the three Brazilian lads were apprehended at the airport, one of them might have sprayed @Batigol at a urinal so we better lock down to be safe.

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But last summer proved that isn’t the case.


And throw away the key.

Looks like NPHET won’t be releasing their grip on the country even when all adults are vaccinated.

Overall Nphet warned that the pandemic “has been characterised as a marathon and not a sprint. This requires sustainable responses that are capable of being maintained in the medium to long term while remaining flexible to adapt to the evolving status of the disease.”

The team also warned again of the higher risk associated with certain activities including “dining, drinking, exercising, singing or shouting”.

“While outdoor activities are safer, the risks are higher when there are large gatherings, limited social distancing, dense congregation, mixing among groups, and communal travelling to activities.”

No mention of jumping on trampolines.

Or tag-rugby, which clogs up A&E every summer

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Are we still permitted to use Caps?

Dining, drinking, exercise, singing and shouting :laughing:

Surprised they left out riding

So basically we can’t do anything that’s in the chorus of the ballad “Bold Thaddy Quill” include singing the ballad itself.