Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Iā€™d like to hear @backinatracksuit 's opinion particularly as he is one of those laughing at people saying that lockdowns could be a government policy going forward yet heā€™s here thinking that there wonā€™t be a return to normality this year when everybody will be vaccinated bar disaster by end of summer

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Some lads need to be ruled with an iron fist. They crave it. It explains why they choose the partner they do. Breda and Nuala have them whupped.

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The vast majority of cases are people under 45.

Even when we get all the over 50ā€™s/60ā€™s/70ā€™s vaccinated - which will drag on for God knows how long - the cases will still be there among the younger cohort.

The death rate has dropped significant in recent weeks and months but thatā€™s barely mentioned by Glynn and Nolan. The case numbers are the be all and end all now, even though most of those getting it are showing little or no symptoms - and most definitely not being hospitalised.

Not a hope NPHET will advocate an easing of restrictions in May or June. They are in complete control, something theyā€™ll probably never have again, and wonā€™t relinquish that too easily.

Their sole play is lockdown. This government got burnt at Christmas and will happily cede all decision making to the celebrity medics. ā€œHave to follow the public health advice, innit.ā€

As Iā€™ve said before our only hope out of this is John Bull. When pictures come in on BBC or Sky of happy punters in pubs and stadiums the trickle effect will lead to pressure on our mob to follow suit.


Itā€™s gas the same few cunts on here love rolling out ā€œitā€™ll be grand in a couple of months.ā€

For many people if things donā€™t start moving quickly their businessā€™s wonā€™t reopen again.

Itā€™s amazing fellas can be so flippant about peopleā€™s futures.


In all honesty, what did you expect, the doors to be thrown open? The restrictions will be unwound bit by bit, starting with extending the distance restriction to county wide in two weeks time and the bit of sports and outdoor tweaks. After that the unwinding should gather pace as vaccination gathers pace. And yeah, by July this year Iā€™d expect it to be more relaxed than August last year.

I donā€™t see why all of those things shouldnā€™t be allowed by autumn at the latest. If there is any fest still that they are a risk it can be further reduced by rapid testing at entry points. Other countries will have those things, and travel, and we should too. We may be a month behind other places in Europe but weā€™ll get there.


Sorry mate, just heading out the door now.
I donā€™t think theyā€™re required but Iā€™ve a feeling that there will be softly softly approach to opening up fully, Iā€™d love to be wrong,
I think that the most crowded environments will be the last to return to normal.
Iā€™m not particularly laughing at anybody for that either, just donā€™t agree with it.

Oddly enough that show or some previous incarnation is the only time Martin has faced any sort of mild grilling about his bung taking controversy too.

I didnā€™t see it but generally she comes across woefully when she has to talk on TV.

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Fair enough. In my opinion if weā€™re not opening up fully the second vaccines are done (as long as the evidence is still showing their effect) then Iā€™d have no faith in not being locked down again

Thatā€™s highly unlikely. Vaccination is the way out of this and we are very nearly at the exit stage.

Relaxations are coming slowly in the short term but will gather pace after that.

We are approaching the point where mass vaccination centres open. It would be fairly shit if the thing spiked and we couldnā€™t operate them.

Thereā€™ll be lockdowns for everything now. Any bit of a storm thereā€™ll be a lock down. If an n e gets busy again thereā€™ll be a lock down.

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Itā€™s time people take to the streets en masse and start protesting.

If the politicians think theyā€™ll lose their beloved seats over these restrictions theyā€™ll quickly change their tunes.

I expected that they would go with the easing of restrictions they already mooted as I said last night. If the latest leak is true they are not even going to do that on NPHETā€™S say so which is beyond pathetic. Nobody is asking to throw open the doors or be legally allowed to see friends or family or anything crazy like that but I think some sign that at some stage these fucking cowards in government will wrestle back control from the unelected media hungry germ freaks would be welcome. We are a complete outlier in the lengths of our lockdowns in the Western world and I think it is ok to start being pretty fucking sick of it at this stage.


What effect would lifting the 5km have? They say they need to study the effects of each of each relaxation. Surely they have a massive bank of data from the previous unwinding of restrictions?

They have basically kicked the can down the road for two weeks with no guarantees of anything.


Iā€™d agree wholeheartedly with the last sentiment. Fro what I gathered of the news today the 5k limit will be relaxed to county wide in two weeks time, thereā€™ll be something about meeting outside because people are doing that anyway, and childrenā€™s sport. And itā€™ll be reviewed every two weeks then. We are ultra cautious, thatā€™s clear, and Iā€™ve been critical of that since the first wave.

At the same time, when the endline is so close, the stage when youā€™re doing a million a month, I wouldnā€™t want to do anything to risk that.

Politically the government is not in a strong enough position to challenge NPHET yet, and there probably isnā€™t a strong case to do it based on safety either. But that picture changes in both respects once youā€™re hitting a million vaccinations a month.

As Iā€™ve been saying, itā€™s going to change very fast over the course of a month or two. Two million more vaccinated in April and may, with some unwinding along the way, and we are in a different world in June.

I really believe that. Head up horsey mate.

I saw the Irish Independent comparing Covid to World War 1 recently. I wonder if during World War 1 the government found it necessary to take out a massive advertising campaign to remind the public of the horrific effect the Somme was having on their collective psyche.


The benefits of some sport going ahead, golf, tennis and lifting the 5km limit and things like that far out weight the benefits of any restrictions now.

Anybody that thinks otherwise is a headbanger.

What does lifting the 5km limit achieve if you canā€™t do anything?

Do you honestly think if weā€™re still at 500 cases a day in 4/6/8 weeks time NPHET will recommend a drop to even Level 4?

A call to arms to storm the streetsā€¦ So lads can go drinking in Kerry :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:. I see the pretence of caring about mental health has been dropped and itā€™s peopleā€™s livelihoods that we are deeply concerned about nowā€¦