Coronavirus - Here come the variants

These are lads who get a pay cheque every week/month no matter what happens.Theyā€™re not living in the real world at all.

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In eight weeks time? Yes, absolutely.

There wonā€™t be many getting sick because people will be vaccinated and the hospital numbers are available for anyone to see. There wonā€™t be grounds to maintain level 5 itā€™s as simple as that.

You also have the fact that other European countries will be at the same level of vaccination as us and will be reopening, so thereā€™s direct comparisons.

Two months of a million people a month and we are in a completely different place. And until then things get relaxed bit by bit along the way.

To me, all this again strikes of a lack of a proper governance structure in place to deal with this crisis.

Peter Burke was asked on Virgin Media last night if NPHETā€™s brief also considered the mental health of people. ā€˜Ehā€¦ its public health that they are interested inā€™. What does that mean?

NPHET are clearly about stopping COVID. I would say that when they meet and they are wondering about decisions they resort to the less risky in terms of COVID exposure. Why wouldnā€™t they? They donā€™t want to be held to account if COVID surges. Itā€™s about covering their arse and let the Government deal with the tough decisions. And in ways you canā€™t blame if that is actually their brief. But no one knows. Not even government ministers it appears.

Where are the committees looking into mental health in the country? Nowhere. Why? Because the government isnā€™t proactive enough to set one up.


It delays the whole show as they are being driven by data apparently.

So theyā€™ll go to 20km in a few weeks and need another month to analyse the data from that move.

This is a huge victory for the nazis in nphet.


Youā€™re hysterical. relax.

Its chilling to see some lads mindset.


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What would risk the vaccination programme by allowing outdoor sport for children to take place next week? Absolutely nothing. Same goes for meeting people outside from Monday? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. It is just another fudge to be seen to be both complying with NPHET and throwing a crumb to normal people who want this to be over. It is about politics and optics and I donā€™t really see how anyone can know this and be ok with this. Nothing NPHET have done in the past year indicates that they will allow ANY loosening of restrictions in the next 2 months meaning we will all lose another month or two of life while the rest of the world gets on with it.


Itā€™s political cowardice . Theyā€™re happy for nphet to take the brunt of all frustrationsā€¦ theyā€™ll step in when thereā€™s a poll to back them.


Canā€™t disagree with you there, surely starting next week would make no difference. But if itā€™s next week or two weeks, itā€™s a start and will improve faster.

Itā€™s very simple. This virus cant be allowed to go away on itā€™s own. Credit mist go to vaccines, lockdowns and masks.


There is absolutely nothing to indicate that we will be at less than an average of 500 cases a day in 4 to 6 weeks time. Nothing. Vaccination will not have made the slightest bit of difference to the cohort that are catching and transmitting the virus as they are mostly younger people who are not being hospitalised or getting sick.

More of the same then? Refuse to unwind restrictions that are being largely ignored anyway?

Without doubt, this is the most pathetic government in the history of state. An absolute abdication of responsibilty to an unelected body that are wrong as often as they are right.

Cunts, the lot of them. Spineless cowards who are afraid of blame instead of thinking in the interests of the nation.

Even minor easings such as childrenā€™s sport, outdoor meetings etc from next Monday will make no difference, so why not just do it next Monday then? Every step they take is toward giving NPHET further license to stymie the future.

I was going to say that theyā€™ll pay at the ballot box, but they wonā€™t. The absence of any alternative opposition will keep some combination of these cunts in power ad infinitum.


Weā€™re on the road to nowhere.

Demoralising. Wait for the next condescending presser from Glynn, Nolan, De Gascun - ā€œweā€™ve made so much progress over the last 12 months, we just have to maintain that progress over the next 8 to 10 weeks.ā€ FUCK OFF.

Our CMO seems to have vanished into thin air. No sign of him at all recently.

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Not unreasonable for him to take time out after his wife dying, considering the year heā€™s put down while his wife was terminally ill. Not a fan of his, but I donā€™t think his absence is something you should be criticising.


Even last night - the NPHET advice was leaked immediately.

Iā€™ve been saying that since last year. Iā€™ve no truck with NPHET. Their remit is to stop the spread of covid and protect the health service, so why wouldnā€™t they go for the ultra cautious approach. They donā€™t really care whether someone can golf or visit their family. Itā€™s the governments job to balance their advice against what is best for the country as a whole.


Serious question, how do you effect change when weā€™re locked and half the country are under the bed and those that take to the streets are being hijacked by right wing nut bagsā€¦ Thereā€™s palpable anger out there all across the country but thereā€™s no real vehicle for it to deliver itā€™s frustration.

@Tim_Riggins , @johnnysachs @fran

This is the funny thing. I post this regularly enough because when you read what Holohan said last March on lockdowns, it makes total sense.

What changed since then? The existence of the PUP and the Zombie economy has meant economic costs are being swept under the carpet.

You canā€™t blame NPHET for that. That is a function of things well out of their control, something Holohan did not envisage and Iā€™m sure he was happy to see as it opened up the playbook for them.

The real criticism though lies at the heart of the social stuff. Holohan et al stopped having to care about the bigger picture once the Late Late Show appearances started and the public started cheering case numbers going down, attributing it to NPHET and lockdown. I think thereā€™s a mixture of arse covering and a degree of power grab from them. Iā€™d love for the government to put a few questions to NPHET. One would be if we imagined that Google Mobility Data didnā€™t exist, how would you advise things? Would they actually take a scientific approach and advise in favour of outdoor activities due to proportionate risk?

Kids sports still not happening is absolutely mental. Itā€™s beyond defending, but it is happening because they are using a secondary indicator like mobility stats to govern their approach.


Itā€™s very difficult for him to make rational decisions surely after what he has gone through?

And use whatever resources they need to do so. They are relying completely on NPHET for advice at the moment and thatā€™s their own fuck up. It was ok at the start of the pandemic but they have had enough time now to sort it out.

I donā€™t agree with that. They have a variety of jobs within the health service. Holohan is Chief Medical Officer, not Chief Covid Officer.