Coronavirus - Here come the variants

At this stage we need to focus on what’s important, we’ll take care of the kids first, then get business up and running with state support, the rest is gravy and it will come i good time.

They’ve been using them as a buffer… that’s the maddening thing. CUNTS.

Hold on now. I have worked with enough people who lost s partner, child or parent. I can recall one person taking 4 weeks before a part time then full time return after the death.

The CMO at the time of the biggest health crisis ever in thisbstate had disappeared for a couple.of months. He should be getting his cards


You popped in this morning to tell us to stay at home and then reminded us you were off to work after being on a full salary for the entire year.

You are a total cunt of a man.

At the end of April anybody this virus is a serious threat to will be vaccinated.

We’re facing greater restrictions than last year when there was no vaccine.


You don’t know what the story is with him.

They give their advice but they also lobby for it. They get their spiel out first and feed off peoples deep mistrust for government. They have a daily platform on national TV which no one else has to the same extent. If you transported anyone into the country and they had never heard of NPHET they would think they are the politicians. You can hear it from their own pronouncements where they literally say things like “we can have a good outdoors summer”. Its there staring us in the face but govt are too scared to do anything about it and will continue writing the blank cheques. Governemnt won’t do anything to diverge from NPHET until they get the moral authority from the people which looks in short supply judging by the polls.


Any time they’ve went against NPHET before it’s gone terribly so they’re obviously afraid to do it again

Peoples livelihoods are being destroyed. You’d want a heart of glass not to care.

Anybody know what this is about?

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Varadkar again tried last week to point out we won’t go below 500 cases now. But he’s in government with hand wringers who have lost their nerve

An election is needed

I wouldnt worry about it, he’s just angry because he cant go boozing in Kerry. Shur he’s never worked a day in his life.

Lads are starting to unravel.

It’s gonna be 17 degrees tomorrow… back garden* here I come…

*Not a garden yet.

If it goes on much longer there’ll be nothing left to open up.

A few IPAs and burgers on the charcoal bbq.


It would be funny if one of them has the Brazilian variant

I dunno. There’s a numbness and acceptance that has taken hold and it’s demoralising. We have the government we deserve, that’s the way the people voted in 2020 - for everything and for nothing. The next 36 months will undoubtedly see austerity by stealth and will be explained away with “shur, what can we do, twas the pandemic”

I’d have no reason to expect that, give or take a few seats here and there, the next Dáíl will have a fairly similar makeup. Irish governments have historically reacted to crises in a kneejerk and panicked manner - the overnight bailing out of banks, for example.

The long-term effects of this will be ominous. Elderly people, the FFG base, have been terrified for a year and no amount of vaccine will ever undo that. People are going to get hit in the pocket but good. Lockdown will be the default future position of any pressure on the dysfunctional health service.

One would wonder if more responsibility should be devolved to local authorities. People who make decisions will tread more carefully if they are more directly and locally accountable. Central government has failed and failed utterly.

Only morons answer polls. Its the opinion of morons

Now you’re fucking talking… TDs hiding above in Dublin thinking they are unaccountable - those days need to end. Politics as we know it does not and will not ever work, too much vested interest… what have non government TDs been doing for the last year, working ferociously for their constituents I suppose?