Coronavirus - Here come the variants

It’s down this year because the first wave last year skewed the average

They’ll run out of hotel rooms fairly quickly…

Yeah…best to use a 5 year average…oh wait

Last year is included in the last 5 years. It’s also down due to vaccinations

You’re quite mad. You do know that?

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The US wont go on that list. I’d be absolutely astounded if it did

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You must be seething with all the evidence that the vaccines are working


Me too. They’ll be rightly hoisted by their own petard if it does.

And Germany! France will be well pissed off, they take exception to shit like that. Germany didn’t ban us when we were the worst country in the world, ridiculous if we essentially ban them.

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I’m delighted. What sort of lunatic would suspect otherwise. Several of my family have taken it…

Why would Germans, French or Italians come to Ireland right now?

It’s unlikely but I feel there’s a longwinded spiel due from him lambasting the current restrictions. It will be couched along the lines of us being denied a crack at the Connacht championship despite adhering strictly to guidelines.
You must remember he’s got to wear several hats, CB chair, Cllr and man of the people…

The guards running around the country looking for 3 lads called Pravo Jazdy.


I’ll deliver my frustration on you, you horrible bastard

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The F
The R
The A
The N

The Fran :clap:

The gangs of kids on bikes that heralded the end of the first lockdown are out in force today.



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The disaster of the vaccine rollout has really scuppered the plans to roll back on restrictions.

The original aim was to have all the over 70s fully vaccinated by now but they are another 6 weeks or more off that target.

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