Coronavirus - Here come the variants

But, but, the shebeens and the variants

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And so the wheel turns.

How many times will ā€˜The new variantsā€™ be mentioned by Martin tonight?

Over/Under 7.5?

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Why canā€™t they just say we are holding off on allowing travel until after Easter instead of trying to cod us

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April 26 for kids training wtf?? Iā€™ve heard universal disagreement with this oneā€¦

If this British variant is so dangerous then why are the Brits opening up? Depressing.

NPHET went in two footed yesterday and the government blinked. Instead of the leaked stuff resuming from 5 April, itā€™s now going to be staggered to buy more time. Then weā€™ll see where they land in 4 weeks. To be honest, I was seething in February when they didnā€™t commit to any reopening parameters or targets and just told us to hunker down for another 6-8 weeks. Itā€™s kinda similar this time, albeit itā€™s about 2 months from vaccines reaching critical mass and a more extensive reopening is within touching distance. Thereā€™s still political cowardice in extending the ban on the likes of kidsā€™ sport though. All that said, Iā€™m more relaxed this time, as I wasnā€™t expecting anything else. Plus I plan on going on holidays to Wexford in May in any event and largely ignoring these cunts.

Theyā€™ve vaccinated all of their older people

Three times per capita the amount of doses administered.

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Thatā€™s a figure you wonā€™t hear on rte.

What they are doing is basically ensuring weā€™ve no meaningful summer.

So have we? Most over 75s anyway.

County wide was more than I was expecting from them to be honest.

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Thereā€™s about a 4 week lag needed for the vaccine to work isnā€™t there?

So the Brits have had all the over 70s done now for over 4 weeks.

Just shooting the breeze with 3 newly arrived US international business travellers while we queued for coffee.

Iā€™ve had a good innings.

The feeling was any other arbitrary distance was too hard to police (they wonā€™t be policing this I suspect).


Once it went county wide the last time they more or less gave up on enforcement. At least I can go to curraghchase now without fear of ending up in an internment camp


Iā€™d surely get over the border to Drom.

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You get a 20km radius from your house. So people from places like Oola can still cross over to Limerick.