Coronavirus - Here come the variants

67 people in ICU and NPHET are suggesting any relaxation of restrictions would put the country in a precarious position. Can they not give it a rest?


In comparison to where things were, it was a sizeable shift towards SF. If they had run more candidates they’d have had the most TDs. Take Donegal for instance - Doherty and MacLachlann both elected on the first count. Room for two more TDs there. And that’s just one constituency.

The people voted for SF in government at the last election. There can be no doubt.

Obviously plenty of lads here in denial that a majority SF government next time around is inevitable. They could run chimps in suits in some areas and get elected easily.

Worked for FF for donkeys years

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As per the Indo…

"One source said Nphet want to hold off easing restrictions significantly for another four to eight weeks to reduce the risk of another wave of the virus.

Another source at the meeting said Nphet urged ministers to “hold firm”.


:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

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Sounds like Foreign Affairs and Justice aren’t on board

Ffs sake. Two. Why not six. Or ten.

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I don’t know whether to laugh or cry anymore. This is some fucking joke.


We’ll look back at this with amazement.

It’s a mass hysteria event in real time.

If somebody is fully vaccinated there is more risk from the undercooked chicken they ate at the BBQ

For a Liverpool fan you are fierce sound.

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They will get the most seats but a majority SF government in the next election would be a massive surprise to themselves as much as anyone else. That would mean 81 TDs?

Two fully vaccinated people can meet outside now. Two fucking doses they both have to have and they can meet outside. For fucking fuck sake. Everyone is fucking meeting outside already you fucking morons.

I take it all back. My confidence is gone. The country is fucked.

What do you expect with both FF and FG sharing power so that they can both fuck us over at the same time.


Inside not outside. Its nonsense that it’s only 2 but at least its showing that they do actually understand that vaccines work which you couldn’t be sure of considering the shite they usually come out with

Ah. I’ll calm down a small bit so.

But even then, both have to be fully vaccinated? What a load of shit.

In fairness to TFK its a great place to lash out every now and then.

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Surely in the next stage of the plan there has to be an estimate for when the adult population will be fully vaccinated and an estimated date when crowds can return to stadiums/pubs/nightclubs, etc.

I say surely but of course this won’t happen

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So basically they’ve extended the lockdown with tiny little crumbs thrown in.

A cod.

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