Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Caught a bit of Mary Lou saying absolutely nothing of note there on the news other then to parrot this building blocks term a couple of times,

Ironic when they fucked construction from a height in this lockdown , you could not make it up.


Free fucking advice that they continue to ignore.

The evenings have started to stretch but still lads are cracking…

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No intercounty travel until July ffs. I’ll be going to other counties alright, Antrim and Derry namely to get out of this shite


How bad?

Winter off. Crime rates way down. People were never fitter from all the walking. Plenty of happy homes etc…

Quit your whinging

You’ll do nothing…

I’m already booked in Belfast for a weekend in June. Derry will also be hit

I can’t understand how Martin & NPHET are getting away with the “it’s like a new virus” line for the B117 strain, without facing any scrutiny.

The vaccines work on it, for fuck sake!!


After being extremely angry for a few hours I’ve decided to plough ahead with my weekend in dingle on the may bank holiday weekend. The government/nazi nphet can get fucked if they think they are going to stop me from living.


It’s probably one of the more bizarre ones. It definitely comes from a dork like Nolan.

With people being able to go 20km beyond their own residence it will stop being enforced. The Guards might do some token enforcement on the May bank holiday but can’t see it otherwise.

They’ll be slow to take you on with current Vaccination rates but keep dreaming kid.

Sure Arlene is doing more for us than our own government

Every politician has used the same line since December. I’ve posted this several times but it is worth reposting. If you want to know where Boris got his inspiration in December, look no further.

Around the world, the emergence of 614G has generated both serious scientific debate and largely political blame dodging. Government officials in Vietnam and Thailand, which fared well in containing the ancestral strain despite an influx of Chinese visitors early in the year, have suggested that the later outbreaks may have been partly the result of the 614G virus

Nobody currently is. Wtf are you saying that?


It won’t the ECB are not going to keep the money tap flowing indefinitely we’ll be out the gap and back to near normality by September


I’ll be giving the authorities the handles of any posters who break the travel restrictions.


They had no problem ratting you out last year. The bastards…

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I must touch base with my mate from Loughlinisland about the June Bank Holiday weekend.

A dark day for our country when a sick man gets a vaccine and is investigated.

What the fuck have we become. It’s like Salem