Coronavirus - Here come the variants

We need to get Michael, Colm and Ewan into a room.

With Staines. Each armed with a hurley. Battle Royale

They’d right every wrong in society. It would be glorious.

They are a joke of an organisation in my view.

Yep. I thought he was one of the more capable politicians. Bad form what happened out in the RDS. A loss to Irish politics.

What did he achieve in politics?

McDowell being serenaded out of the RDS by Sinn Féin when he lost his seat was a great moment.


Yer man could be up for genocide charges and him running the WHO. :grimacing:


Welease Werry.

McDowell has had a great Covid. He has a laser like mind.

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People seem to be finally getting fed up.

Competency and intellect. A rare trait in Irish politics.


Interesting article - so even some of the staff they interviewed from the Wuhan lab thought Covid-19 came from there. :face_with_monocle:

He’s an arsehole and he was an incompetent and populist minister.

He may be an arsehole but I imagine he would have had a far easier life being a barrister. Wouldn’t agree with him being a populist. Even being a lefty loon I always found him to be reasonable.

The looney left screech loudest when a vote goes against them.

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I’ll give an example. At a time when we had loads of money and full employment he made an election promise to increase Garda numbers by a couple thousand or something. At the time and still the Gardaí badly needed ICT and equipment investment. None of that, McDowell wanted numbers in the door immediately, faster than he organisation could absorb them. It created huge problems but he got to look good on law and order.

Also bought the most expensive piece of land the state ever paid for. A cabbage patch, to build a prison (because he’s tough on crime). It’s still sitting idle.


“Populist “ ???