Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Those useless cunts can barely use a breathalyser and you want to give them computhers?


Yeah. I gave an example.

They have their finger on the PULSE of the nation

When you see it like that it’s very apparent that as TFK said all along the decisions being made by NPHET and it is NPHET, to the shame of the government, are simply to remove any and all risk from the decision maker rather than in the public interest

We badly need an election - this coalition is a disgrace and not working for the people at all.

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McDowell increased Garda numbers and the other lad wants computers. You can’t make it up

From what I can gather most of the opposition came down on the side of even more restrictions. Like them or not, the rural TDs have been the only ones calling for a relaxation of restrictions.

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Indeed. He met Kylie Minogue.

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Lucky lucky bastard.

Peader Toibin has had a wonderful pandemic.

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Is there not some “law” in the public sector about being inevitably promoted beyond your capabilities?

I’m delighted to see people enjoying themselves as best as they can, I’m one of them, but this shit really pisses me off

Every part of limerick near the river is destroyed like this on a daily basis in the decent weather

What the fuck is wrong with people?

Edit: not my own photo


I can’t understand the mentality of just walking away and leaving a big mess behind you in a local park …

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That’s dreadful. Whereabouts is that?

I’ll have a doozie for you later in the the things that are further wrong tread. Animals wouldn’t even do that

Canz… and to fuck with everyone else

Get out there and start picking it up.

Also seen at music festivals. It’s shocking

If it’s a picture of a lump of shite - don’t.