Coronavirus - Here come the variants

18 degrees. Cloudless sky. Lovely lasses all over the place. Deary, deary, deary me.


Can I add, no it’s definitely not normal for a new group to be made up with no one knowing who’s on it, for them to massively overstep their limited statutory remit like this, and for them to leak something which will have such massive consequences. You can bet every country on the leaked list is aware of this and is asking what the fuck is going on.


holohan, who shouldve been gone long ago, is beyond untenable. the govt and RTE are now paying the price, along with us citizens, for beatifying tony


From a practical point of view, this would lead to an incredible amount of hard cases. There are a lot of Irish people living in the US and in Europe that may need to come home for a funeral or to visit a sick/dying relative. With this latest bit of Orwellian Boloxology, they would have to quarantine before doing so.

100% correct.

As I said would happen, hoisted by their own petard.

They introduced this absolutely stupid fucking system and it has blown up in their faces.

Children’s shoes can soon be bought by appointment only. What a country.

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childrens shoes are an established tipping point in this country, fuck with them at your peril


I sent an email to my local TD asking that question. He is “looking into it”.

I also asked what the basis for getting on it was. I see they released some vague details on it yesterday, but I asked what papers are informing it. How quickly are they reacting to news from the likes of Israel, which shows that no variant is getting the upper hand on the vaccine?

It’s another example of this government making a short term reactionary decision, not thinking it through and storing up disaster. What is even more bonkers is that neither Foreign Affairs or Justice want anything to do with it and this was conceived by the Department of Health. Said department did all of the procurement. They must surely have been aware that 2,500 hotel rooms was not sufficient. They must also have been aware of how close to what is constitutionally acceptable this restriction was- and how any expansion of it would put it in jeopardy. What makes it even more bananas is that just 24 hours after the system failed on day one, they came back and looked to expand the system.

There was a ready made approach in January. Just do what South Korea did for local residents with stricter enforcement and continue to advise against non essential travel. The non stop email campaign from the Zero Covid crowd bounced both the U.K. and Ireland into this once this variants nonsense was introduced.


I wrote to my 4 local TDs, the T being one of them, and urged them not to give in to the surge in anti-restriction sentiment currently being expressed and to hold firm until September. History will be kind to them if they do.


You’re saving lives.

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Tell Champ you are on board with his overarching philosophy. He might send you an Easter egg.

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It’s funny how knee jerk the Government is on everything these days.

imagine chocos face when donnelly arrives on his doorstep

the downside of media SPADs

Government by Twitter.


Is there a “making things up as they go along advisory group”?

and twats

Didn’t that bring down a Government in 81/82?

Spot on.

The variants thing is nearly but not quite nonsense.

South Africa decided AZ was no use below there and had 500k doses it decided not to use. So it seems to me there’s not nothing in the concern over variants. And I think we’ve mostly used AZ…

Anyway that’s another issue. This recent overstep is appalling.