Coronavirus - Here come the variants

You did in your bollix.

it certainly did. one of noonan’s, in real terms, least harmful actions but the one that brought him down

Whats the precedent for this?
I think it’s a load of rubbish to be honest, why would NPHET have any interest in holding onto ‘power’ once this is over? What have they to gain, unless they’re presided over by a load of Dr Evil style characters stroking cats

To be fair to Holohan, and I wouldn’t be a massive fan, isn’t he on leave at the moment?

Is this Glynn?



id say tony is still dialling in after what happened the last time he went off for a bit

The cursor key after the word fight means it is still at draft stage? Its not too late to back away from the keyboard.



Far play at least you went and gave your 2 cents yo the political class

I just hit send on a rebuttal


Preface it with "Dont mind Rob… "

Rob’s never voted in his life

Early release of figures today. 6 deaths 411 cases.

Good to see @Tassotti up and about

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Case numbers don’t seem so stubborn this week

Wednesday is usually a “bad” day. This is the lowest Wednesday number of cases of the year. Down 150 on the previous lowest.


They called a halt to the walk in clinics they were using to keep the numbers up before the announcement

Power comes in many forms. NPHET are, at the very least, now having a huge say in Government policy and in how everyone lives their lives. We have already seen an extreme anti-alcohol bias from them (allowing anti-alcohol conferences to go ahead but keeping pubs shut even when cases were a 0). It is in their interest, along with the newly profitable RTE, to keep the pandemic going as long as possible. That’s a form of power.


Freedom Sprouts |

we’ll be back in meetings again in june @glasagusban