Coronavirus - Here come the variants

I don’t agree, I think it’s in their best interests to see an end to the pandemic.

Why do they want power? Is it to save a load of lives?

Who are the people who never gave back power in a similar situation like you mentioned

The Chief Executive of the Beacon Hospital has been accused in the Dáil of “stealing” vaccines and being caught red-handed.

Paul Murphy, People Before Profit TD, said in the chamber: “The CEO of the Beacon Private Hospital has been caught red handed. And he must go. He used his position of power to steal at least 20 Covid vaccines, and use them as if they were his own public personal property.

"If it was a cleaner, who went in and robbed 20 vaccines, he’d be arrested for theft,” Mr Murphy said.

Beacon chief executive Michael Cullen has apologised for the incident, which saw jabs given to 20 teachers at St Gerard’s private school in Bray, attended by his children.

"It shouldn’t be any different, because this is the CEO of billionaire Denis O’Brien’s private hospital — the same hospital, let us remember, that in January was refusing to sign up to allow their facilities to be used for surge capacity,” Mr Murphy contended.


I think they want power because they enjoy their press conferences and the profile they have, and also, as mentioned already to push certain agendas they may have (many for noble reasons, I might add).

How many do you want?

In 1922 the Unionist Government of Northern Ireland brought in temporary measures to quell violence. They remained for 50 years.

Hitler assumed absolute control of Germany and then most of Europe through the Enabling act (due to expire after 4 years).

Outside of just people seizing Government control, there have been countless examples of governments or government agencies bringing in “temporary measures.” Our own USC was a temporary measure.

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Ah here.


What is this - more “modelling”?

I don’t understand, has his modelling not taken account for vaccinations?

The only cases I’m interested in now are the ones on the baggage carousel


They should put Nphet and this FFG governments cabinet on the PUP and take away their wages as a show of solidarity with the 25% of the workforce who are out of work,

The cunts wouldnt be long changing their tune.


Those are extreme examples, in fairness. For clarification I’m not comparing NPHET to anything like that.

But they have both a profile and a level of control over people’s lives that’ unprecedented (in my lifetime anyway) and they dont seem to be answerable to anyone (as @glasagusban’s post earlier shows). It’s my prediction, and I’ll be more than happy to admit I’m wrong when the time comes, that NPHET will prolong these restrictions as long as possible and that Ireland will be among the last countries back to normality.

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Its actually nuts what’s happening.


Fcukin A! Get me to a chiringuito …

A nice big number on the way tomorrow

It’s been said many times here that nobody gives back power easily,
Which group comparable to NPHET are you using as precedent? The Nazi or unionist party hardly qualify

I think they’ll be delighted to go back to a quiet life, it really does create an evil mastermind image otherwise

Something seems a little off with this modelling.

Coming to the end of respiratory illness season moderate increase in close contacts would result in 2.5 times the total reported coronavirus cases in the country to date which stands at approx 235,000 cases. Even given increased transmissability it seems drastically far fetched when you factor in all the other mitigating factors that are being implemented. I would like to see the methodology behind these figures. Nolans track record to date has been pretty abysmal and I worry too much public policy stock is being put into it. What will it really matter anyway if 80% of adult population are vaccinated by June.


Looks like McConkey or Gerry Killeen did that modelling by the scale of the numbers.

Nphet crunched the numbers and added two zeros to the figure they came up with.

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Some jokers, laughable.

Do they know there’s a vaccination program going on?

I wonder will Fergal run with this on the news tonight. I imagine the methodology is some like 400 cases today and I have 4 close contacts today but tomorrow I have 5 then 400 becomes 500 and you compound it out until September.

Seems legit.

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