Coronavirus - Here come the variants

There’s a man struggling to go sub 25

UHL being over run is one of the first signs of normality returning


Must be one of us in the Junior B section as I didn’t notice a flipbelt, cap, sunglasses, tights etc


All French people do is sit outside brasseries, chomp on onions and go awheehawheehaw

The priests

Did ye have a good day lads. Plenty of excercise and sunshine , yeah?

Was thinking that myself. The church in Ireland in the 20s to the 90s are the obvious comparison to make. Was it you who coined ‘archbishop Holohan’? It’s the best quip of the pandemic.

That was me, should have copyrighted it.

As I recall I had a long post comparing NPHET catechism to old Catholic catechism. Lads here were slagging it off and then the next week didn’t Diarmaid Ferriter copy the whole thing in the Irish Times. Ferriter reads TFK.

The 80/20 rule suggest you were in the 80%

Sick people just need to get real.


I was

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You’d have been better off locked in the vaults

I contacted my local senator and TD today of my fathers chosen party in a flurry of anger regarding outdoor sports and a few other issues.

Met with a couple of receptionists who said they felt my pain. I assured them I will not be voting for them in the next election. By myself it is no good but if a few thousand ring them we can push it out of lockdown.

They are some cunts.


Is your Shebeen of choice up and running?

I have two shebeens. One is a proper pub which is up and running but it’s the same 9 or 10 there the whole time and I’m sick of talking the same shit to same fellas.

The other one is run by a slightly younger lad and you have a greater mix of lads going to it. He hasn’t really got kegs in ages which is a problem.

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NPHET out of control but the Government to blame

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Breaking EU treatys, the irish constitution and possibly the UNs universal declaration of human rights in 12 months yet people still are happy with them. What a country

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I don’t see how an EU citizen has the right to travel freely but an Irish citizen travelling from outside the EU doesn’t


Should fall over in court.