Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Incorrect, the inverse is actually your logic, ok to die of covid but not cancer.

Thomas Ryan is hoping the teachers go on strike to prevent a fourth wave.

Very embarrassing for the lock it down crew their chief cheerleader is pleading for industrial action to stop the spread of covid.


I know what you are but what am I.

Scenes of chaos in Dublin parks yesterday.

Lads and lassies drinking cans in the sun.

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It must take a special sort of individuality to fall back kn the "weā€™re in the middle of a global pandemic " line in order to sneer at someone asking a serious question. You think heā€™d at least have a veneer of manners.


He is by far and away the most incompetent Taoiseach we have ever had. A snivelling useless sneaky coward and he is leading us into an abyss.


Heā€™ll be alright thoughā€¦

Oh heā€™ll be grand. They all will. Thatā€™s how it works.

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We need Bertie back, weā€™d be drinking pints of Bass by the May bank holiday


Waterways Ireland stopping canal boats from serving takeaway as they are not moving. These businesses have operated on a stationary basis for years, clearly a Super Covider is upset.

The insanity continues.


The Dublin variant will cause chaos

Quite bizarre, Limerick councillor Eliza O Donnovan reports people assembling to pray outdoors to Gardai as she felt intimidated. Also apparently some women contacted her and she surmised that its not right that women donā€™t feal safe in their own city while expressing the fact that she is a huge advocate for womens rights. Although I strongly suspect this did not happen.

You literally couldnā€™t make it up

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If only we were a fundamentalist Catholic country we could get the Pope to overthrow NPHET like the Poles did communism


Another fong up in the hole for frontline workers.

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In an interview which suggests strongly the Government will not include EU States in the Category 2 countries that are subject to mandatory hotel quarantine, he cited the fact that many Irish citizens lived in those countries.

Does Coveney know that 17% of people living on the island of Ireland are not Irish? They equally have a right to live here and return here. But heā€™s saying Irish people should be treated differently. Is this approach dangerously close to being based on nationalism and racism? Yes.

ā€œIs it reasonable if those people have tested negative or have been vaccinated or recovered from Covid, is it reasonable to put them in a hotel if they have a home to go to where they could be quarantined?ā€

No. Does this give the lie to the entire system as it currently exists being unreasonable? Yes. Coveney has just acknowledged this.

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Itā€™s not even clear what the objective is. Variants? Case numbers? Volume of travel?