Coronavirus - Here come the variants

The legislation allows for countries to be specified based on “variants of concern” only.

Nphet appear to have massively overreached with their list of 43 which does not appear to be based wholly on variants.

My guess is that this won’t stand up constitutionally for Irish citizens from anywhere. Narrowing the countries reduces the likelihood of someone who has standing challenging this, but I would be surprised if a challenge doesn’t come.

Agreed it is highly unethical for our non Irish citizens but this seems to be the way to get EU, US, Canada and others off the list to delay the challenge.

NPHET, Donnelly and the Department of Health have disgraced themselves here. Aside from how they went about this change in policy (which the AG has called out, which is highly unusual), the effectiveness and morality of it, they designed a system that could never cope with the numbers. They literally procured the hotels. And to top it all off, after the farce of the first weekend with low numbers they thought they could handle more. It just shows that there isn’t even rounded thinking from our health officials, aside from the wider economic and social impacts of this. This is worse for Donnelly than any of his blunders so far. If you were a Zero Covider you’d be seething too.


Does this definitively prove that the Variants thing is just a rouse?

Paul Rouse?

Pfizer and J&J are the job.

You can forget about Astra Zeneca as a vaccine.


A definite plateau at 500 cases, 3% positivity

Cold and flu season is long over … We’re seeing about/average 15k people a day test negative – while there will be many close contacts etc - what are these other people suffering from?

It’s close to margin of error now

Being a latchico.

Speaking of which, the missus insisted that we go to mass for Palm Sunday. Stand outside and listen on the loudspeaker . Grand. I got the last parking space out of eighty. There were about ten people outside the church door. Churches are completely ignoring the guidelines here. 35000 cases and 700 deaths here today. New records.

It just seems odd that that many people are still rocking up for tests every day.

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Al-Waleed bin Talal bin Abdulaziz al Saud

We’re in the middle of a mass hysteria event.

I walked to my fishmonger this afternoon. I picked up mussels scallops and salmon. I ate the salmon just now with teriyaki sauce.

Anyway I digress.

I was on a path with a wide grass verge on one side and a wall on the other.

40 metres away a couple in their 60s - the sort of couple who’d annoy the fuck out of you on first sight - approached. The man in a pair of shorts. Carrying a brown bag. Woman non descript but they projected irk.

I had only started to do the mental arithmetic around holding my ground and I’d not swerve around them.

30 metres out the two of then in seamless synchronicity like a geriatric Bonnie and Clyde slide the masks/bandana up onto their face and out onto the grass verge.



I had a look on this week to sample the mood, the first time I’ve been on boards in over a year. Most people there are turning anti-lockdown but they’ve a huge mix.

Anyhow, they’ve one thread “poll - why did you get tested?”. Over 60% of poll responders were asymptomatic. One poster at the end was posting about how this was his/her 4th walk-in test. is for losers dude.


I would guess that a lot of these people are folks who’s personal ties to their community were already quite tenuous and they really feel a need to be part of something.

People in their 60s wearing masks I have no problem with.

Try it while you’re pumping sweat and blowing furiously while running at 4m per km

That’s a box to the kidneys of our front line staff.