Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Goes to show these morons follow a narrative with a complete lack of critical thinking or looking through the trees for the detail. Same attitude people had with burn the bondholders. Sounds great until you realise your actually fucking yourself more


That’s what makes it even more bonkers.

The DOH designed the system. On day one it falls apart but they come back for more when they know they don’t have the capacity?

I assume it was just one of the NPHET leakers because surely someone in there could join the dots on how it would go…?

Tbh looking at Flanagan since he left, he is quite levelheaded and clearly thinks things through. I know lads don’t like him for the Black and Tan stuff but he has way more depth than the likes of Simon Harris.

I suspect that MHQ was a little side project given to the DOH and Public health to get people off their back in January, with the populist instincts of Harris and Varadkar backing it up. The lads charged with it though totally overreached on what it was supposed to be though and got slapped down. It was always supposed to be a wink wink nudge nudge policy against the Brazilian meat plant workers that middle Ireland would approve of.

The government have once again left them open here though as it could get worse if this ends up in the courts. This is the problem with governing by social media. Martin also just surrendered himself to NPHET in January as some form of moral absolution for Christmas. We are rudderless with this coalition but the opposition are just as bad. Alan Kelly was talking sense for months but then pivoted to the Zero Covid stupidity.


As I outlined yesterday, it’s pretty clear it was NPHET.


Almost certainly but DOH “sources” have pushed back on the whole consultation piece. NPHET are of course every element of our health service so a DOH person may have been there.

In the end this comes down to the government. Giving power to an unnamed group is absolutely ridiculous. Why on earth they did that when NPHET have a track record of leaks is bizarre.


George says the vaccination process is going gangbusters. Even Catriona Perry’s face was all WTF?

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There’s no lockdown here sure

Turns out it was just a bit of a flu after all


That’s was a nonsense cover. Caught by the hasp having not consulted their cover was “oh, we’re doing it now, this is it!” Nonsense. That’s not how it works.

The government didn’t give power to an unnamed group either, they gave the CMO the role of advising the minister. As with everything recently the CMO (CMO/NPHET it’s become the same thing) or the person in his chair has massively overstepped.

Tell them it’s a different type of covid over there that they got from eating raw swan the fuckers.

They’re just a scare tactic, unless the virus is some hash up of a ‘gain of function’ experimental biological weapon vaccine quest of a man made creation, which it probably is. Ask that Fauci fucker

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The level of incompetence in our civil servant and political class is frankly astonishing.

They don’t have a fucking clue.


As said before we are country run by morons listening to morons on twitter. I hope someone like mcdowell challenge this I the high court as unconstitutional. It won’t make any difference in decision making but might put the goverment and future governents back in check before inacting laws that restrict freedom. A lot of the public health measures for covid that were signed into law are massive overstepping the powers that a goverment have. No checks or balances just a blunt hammer of do what we tell you. A serious lack of opposition is appalling

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It’s hardly true to say it was just a bit of flu

But that’s the right and blindingly obvious approach to take from here on in,

Astonishing yet not surprising.

I expect they’ll face consequences in their annual performance reviews that the simpleton told us about.

The Forum’s Sneckllifter peeks his simple head in.

Have bought a bottle of that wine on the back of this. Will open in a bit.