Coronavirus - Here come the variants


Do you think they ever clash where ones good idea is overruled by the others bad one ?..

Make sure to chill it

Excellent bit of news that.

Of course, it’ll be 12 months before our crowd come to that conclusion.


Bit harsh. This latest fuck up is from power-mad doctors who think they’re God’s gift and knkw everything so they’ve tried to run the whole government and play a bit if chess only to get a smackdown and realise they don’t know shit.

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A stopped clock is right twice a day.

They have performance reviews?

What a time for a Judas to appear :wink:

Pints in the valleys! Outdoor food and drink from April 26th.

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Hon Peadar, he is talking a lot of sense lately.


Sorry but that’s crazy

Peadar is a man of integrity.


One of the very few TD’s who is willing to stick his neck on the line re opening the country up.

Deserves a lot of credit for that alone - the fact that he is talking complete sense is a bonus altogether.

He had a right cut off the woke cunts in opposition today who are for everyone elses rights etc, but won’t allow people go to mass, he is dead fucking right.

Social Democrats, Sinn Fein and Labour in opposition are an absolute disgrace.


He is in his hole. Peadar has been displaying how much of a cunt he is of late.


Anyone against vaccine passports is getting my vote anyway.

Labour used to be left wing, they are far from it these days sadly.


What are you talking about? Kelly has been excellent throughout covid, continually pulling up the government on Nephet transparency, paying nurses, having the pup restored. I’m no fan of the zero covid shite all opposition seem to have gone for but hes far and away the best lad in opposition this season.


He has been a huge cheerleader of mandatory hotel quarantines mate, which in my opinion is zero covid madness, complete lunacy. He should be ashamed of himself for a fella thats supposed to care about peoples rights and freedoms.


Signing back in to Level 5. Vaccination postponed.


That’s a balls,my mother got her 2nd shot today so she’s delighted.I’ll be headin up shortly,did you hit Mohill at the weekend @farmerinthecity ?

I did. Up and down in the day but still good to see them.