Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Good stuff lad

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Iā€™ve an uncle in a bad way in hospital, a hape of old age related conditions. 1 visitor for 1 Hour per week. Now thereā€™s covid on the ward, heā€™s tested positive so no visitors now. His wife wants to bring him home but theyā€™d both have to self isolate apparentlyā€¦theyā€™ve both had their 2 shots.

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Heā€™s had two shots and tested positive?

Not good, if thatā€™s the case.

I donā€™t know if he has any symptomsā€¦isnā€™t thatbthe deal- doesnā€™t stop you from getting it but does stop the symptoms?

After two jabs he should have 98-99% protection. Itā€™s literally a 1 in a hundred chance of getting it.

Iā€™d be suspicious about the test itself in those circumstances. Is it possible that someone so recently vaccinated could produce a false positive?


I see Israel was one of the countries that is to he added to the list requiring mandatory hotel quarantine. I presume this is because of their shocking humanitarian efforts with Palestine. It couldnā€™t possibly be covid related given that they have most of their population vaccinated.


Yeah Iā€™m scratching my head at that one

I wouldnā€™t think about it too much. Take logic and common sense out of the equation and it becomes a bit clearer.


Of all the countries to pick though.

Kelly was great until January. He made a political decision to cosy up to Zero Covid in January though. Hard to respect him after that.

The entire political class have been a joke during this tbh. McNamara the one real bright light.


Countries are opening up to Israel but Ireland puts them on MHQ.

Because itā€™s Israel this wonā€™t get the attention this deserves in Ireland.

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Will they ship them straight to Oświęcim ?

Peader Tobin being hailed as the saviour this weekā€¦ Jaysus.


What do your history books tell you about that?

At least he has the balls to say it as it is, Sinn Fein TDā€™s need to be briefed before they can comment on the weather these days,

Fucking jokers.


Peader Tobin will never make a history book.


His story is overrated, you should be concentrating on the here and now.

I am. Iā€™m pushing to extend lockdown to save lives.


I laughed at that to be fair.

Awful man.

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Dont be telling the lad history is over rated he was 10 years studying it ffs


Peadar Tobin, Ssmmy Wilson, Sir Charles Walker, Peter Hitchens, @glasagusban .
You take your friends where you can get them in times like these