Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Peadar is the definition of the stopped clock. (Hard) Right now but generally a fucking cunt.

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How was it?

Itā€™s a truly baffling decision, devoid of all logic. If Israel are on it, pretty much every nation on earth should be on it

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You really are a thick cunt

The lads in Waterways Ireland must not be on the PUP

I see Oā€™Neill is back on message after his brief outbreak of common sense.
Does anyone believe him? Will the the Oā€™Neill fans be letting their kids take the vaccine?

Youā€™ve ate a few too many swans, you square headed dolt. Trying to deny the culpability of your adopted country!


Neil Fergusonā€™s legacy.

A leader of men :clap::clap::clap::clap:

Will that cost us much?

Boris :clap:

Boris needs to learn from OUITF maverick Mick Martin

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The Brits have staked everything on AZ and are now paying the price.

My life partner has a habit of leaving RTE Radio One on, via Amazon Echos and Echo Dots dotted around the house. Iā€™m inflicted with the usual programmes and itā€™s like weā€™ve been transported back in time to Easter 2020. Claire Byrne this morning with some business owner from Doonbeg and Professor Sam McConkey, with both urging people not to travel outside their county over Easter. The lady in Doonbeg had worryingly spotted some cars from non-locals. McConkey concerned about a herd mentality and the possibility of level 5 breaking down. Travelling around and staying in your car would be acceptable in the grand scheme of things, but people get out to go shopping, buy a coffee and so on.

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As a general observation your man Robert Watt hasnā€™t exactly knocked it out of the park since negotiating the 290k salary for himself to take over at the Department of Health. I assume the mandatory hotel quarantine clusterfuck is his baby.


Shocking stuff. Michael McGrath signed off on that without a second thought.

I wonder has anyone actually asked Nphet why we remain stuck on 600 cases a day? Simple question. They usually point to increased mobility information they have being the ā€˜problemā€™ but to me that is rather simplistic. For the following reasons:

  • I have been out and about a bit since Christmas and I havenā€™t seen a noticeable change in traffic since the time when cases was dropping
  • Lockdown fatigue is a real thing and canā€™t be brushed away as bad behaviour
  • Perhaps there is a natural plateau with this which simply cannot be driven down any further. We still havenā€™t got any information on whether this may be so.

It all strikes of being a very binary decision. High cases, lockdown. Lather, rinse, repeat.

There is a niggling feeling in the back of my mind as to what happened after Christmas when 1,000 people died following an opening up. Maybe Nphet are correct?