Coronavirus - Here come the variants

I am adding Pete the Tan from the ESRI (I dont recall his second name) to my target list of LIDTF cheerleaders. The ESRI provides data and interpretation but does not set policy. He was on RTE radio yesterday advocating hard lockdowns and was “worried” about compliance.

I wonder is he in NPHET as well?


Nice enough. Think I might have been a bit over powered by the pear smell and after taste which I thought might have been elderflower but is something called acacia leaves according to google. I had a glass and a half of the aul reliable Sangre De Toro beforehand too, which might have harmed the palate. Nice tack for the price though and something different.

A lovely wan for sitting outside somewhere warm and a lump of extra mature Dubliner in the paw.

Plus it isn’t like there is a massive push for compliance down here. People are getting on with life as normal bar the constantly scared

Pete Lunn. I’ve been at one of his talks on behavioral economics. He certainly advises NPHET and probably feeds into stuff like the “worry index” and “anticipatory behaviour” as that would be his forte.


Pete Lunn.

He’s NPHET-lite, against living so gets plenty of airtime on RTE as a result.

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He’s probably a NPHET sleeper agent
They have them planted everywhere

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Pete here saying that people don’t really want to return to normality any time soon. And this fella advises NPHET.

I think Pete Lunn is on NPHET, but I may be wrong. He’s a behavioural economist with ESRI.


Another year of restrictions !

That tweet doesn’t make sense. You can want to get back out there but think restrictions won’t be lifted for 9-12 months


What are you talking about? The public clearly love the restrictions. Give ‘em more I say.

12 more months! 12 more months! 12 more months!

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Some might call it magic. Filling your trolley with Easter-themed bunnies, fitted sheets and bottles of wine in a crowded supermarket won’t give you Covid-19. But browsing in a bookshop, picking out a new dining table or armchair, or a dress for work, or a new rain jacket for one of those interminable walks … well, that’s a risk the Government is just unwilling to let you take.


There’s going to be plenty of outrage later this evening and tomorrow over people being about and about in this good weather.

You can click and collect your books from Aoife McLysaght’s favourite bookshop in Blackrock, so you can.


They don’t even have a website. You just phone them. They are so nice.


Philip watson is having an outstanding pandemic

Which book shop was she talking about there I wonder? I know the owner of one who was talking about selling newspapers during the last Level 5 so they could remain open. Wouldn’t have been in the spirit of the kind of lockdown Aoife wants, but in fairness she did travel to the RTÉ studios in the middle of lockdown herself.

Lock ‘em up!

I’d say it’s the one up by the bank, near the junction. That would fit the profile.