Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Ah yeah. Not my cup of tea that place.


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Easter bunny got the go ahead to move more than 5k. It’s who ya know

Paddy just won’t abide by restrictions… Most lads here openly admitted they have broken the 5k and visited people from the off. That’s why we’ll be 12 more months at it.

Only in some counties seemingly, so it’s definitely not the main reason.

George says the UK variant is 90% more transmissible now. It’s getting higher by the week.

I think George Lee has actually ejaculated on the 6-1 there.

Stop talking with reason & sense on this thread pls.

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2 women I know went to one of the walk in centres. They signed in and went to wait. After an hour they said feck that, they’d be fine and they were only doing it for peace of mind, so left without getting tested. They got a text message the following day confirming their positive results.

granted, they could have been filling me with shit, but I’ve no reason to think they were. there’s always loads of those stories going around like urban legends. and with the way the HSE is going on notifications and organisation, I’d well believe it.


Personal responsibility at play there.

cc @Copper_pipe

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I’d well believe it,they only opened these centres to push up the case numbers as the deaths are dropping


Would the virus be as dangerous as the police?

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Running lads down with a horse to protect him from Covid


They made a right tit of that.


Happy Easter lads. Enjoy the few days off


Even more plastic for them now when they pay that fine.