Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Youā€™ve no business facing down a calvary charge without a pike formation. Wouldnā€™t happen the Swiss.


Iā€™m sure thatā€™s what heā€™ll do the next time

Theyā€™ll have their knockers over this


Whatā€™s it to you if they were lifted Snecklifter?


Iā€™ve just got an e mail from my boss. After spending two days in the county of Cork, I now have to quarantine for 14 days, just in case like. Theyā€™re sending me up to the aul hotel in Dublin on Tuesday



Gobemouches everywhere


What if they refuse to pay? Does the state pick up the bill?

I dont think she was meant to say this out loud

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Heā€™ll feel that in the morning Iā€™d say.

Watching the Nine Oā€™Clock News. The walk in test centres are actually chilling. A blatant attempt to keep case numbers up.

And hereā€™s George Lee. This is the man who said on his entry to politics ā€œI donā€™t want to reach the age of retirement and to look at the faces of my children and look at my grandchildren when they ask me what did I do when the country was on its kneesā€. Letā€™s see what theyā€™re saying about Georgeā€™s cheerleading in 20 years time when weā€™ve hopefully come to our senses.


This is my life now. A can of Hopeā€™s Handsome Jack and a load of RTƉ propaganda.

Sometimes I wish the Lord would take me.


On the walk in test centres. This has actually been something advocated by people who also want reduced restrictions, or smarter restrictions, like jack Lambert. Or at least thatā€™s my recollection. The idea is you test more in hot spots, more people test positive and hopefully isolate, transmission is reduced, and it settles down. I actually think itā€™s a good idea as long as you accept that ā€œcase numbersā€ isnā€™t a metric we should paying loads of attention to.


Thatā€™s the problem. All they are focusing on is case numbers.

Iā€™ve just seen the one of those Covid ads for the first time. Good grief. What a disgrace.


Wow, that soup must taste good


Iā€™ve only heard the radio ones. Theyā€™re appalling.

Of course the focus is on case numbers. NPHET is extremely disfunctional, Iā€™ve been saying this a long time. The walk in centre are still a good idea. Widespread use of rapid testing would be a great assistance too.

I wish I was making this up but someone has erected a sign on the green saying no gatherings of people allowed due to covid restrictions