Coronavirus - Here come the variants

The fucking state of the country


Mon up weā€™ll have a beer

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Fuckit, Iā€™m going down to get it now

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Iā€™d say there is. Fucked if Iā€™m getting involved in it

I allowed my kids to play with my neighbiurs kids last summer and a poster followed me around the board for months abusing me about itā€¦ Lot of weirdā€¦weirdā€¦WEIRDā€¦cunts out thereā€¦

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Did you see the sign outside the estate opposite fennesseys on the crescent side? ā€œWalkers please stop throwing your dog shit in the hedgeā€ was the jist i got some laugh off it


If there was anting at all about @Julio_Geordio he would head out there and take down the sign and take a picture of it in his bin so we can pat him on the back


Its well known thereā€™s nothing at all about me sure

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Iā€™d hate to think that was the case
Are you a man or a mouse

Israel have their own variant P681H, which is a plausible reason for NPHET to chuck them on the list.

The most obsessive compulsive of the experts are starting to lose the plot a bit and have decided lying and revisionism is the best approach now, as in their eyes most people are too stupid to see it as such (or understand what revisionism is). Iā€™m not as familiar with the Irish ones but our own Dr Brix has been rewriting history beautifully. If only we had done the right thing she said, all those people didnā€™t have to die. Thatā€™s strange I thought, you were in charge Dr. Brix, why didnā€™t you do the right thing?

Then the obvious dawned. Sheā€™s not talking about herself or the administration or politicians in general, she means you dirty bastards out there who couldnā€™t do what you were told, wouldnā€™t wear two masks, wouldnā€™t stay apart from your families for a year, and you went to the beach, to the park, to parties when you were allowed back to college. Murderers all.

Fuck off cunt.


Sheā€™s right about the irish. A good whack of lads here have continued to travel intercounty or have gone beyond their 5k to visit someone , and this has been from the minute restrictions were introduced and not recently. These are the people that think pandemic and restrictions are for other people not them but they canā€™t believe why numbers are staying high and restrictions being lengthened. @Perez2017 , @Heyyoubehindthebushes , @backinatracksuit , @endakenny @The_Most_Infamous @Locke @peddlerscross are a few of these lads that think restrictions are for other people and just do as they please. This is why weā€™ll have 12 more months of them.


Are they the lads that have been running up and down hills and tracking their time on fancy watches?
They may be weirdos but they are not murderers.

No. Theyā€™ve been driving all over the country to visit family and friends. Theyā€™re the very epitome of Murderers.

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Have you called the guards? We need more men like you to step up and call out this outrage. We could have been done with this nonsense last July if it wasnā€™t for these selfish types.

Iā€™m very disappointed, some names in there I wouldnā€™t have expected to see

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Im not a tout. These men Will have to live with their conscience which in time will prove to be a hard thing.


History will not look on them kindly.


Visiting parents is an essential visit, (unless youā€™re parents donā€™t want you to visit) kids playing with other kids is essential for their development. Thatā€™s my list.

People can make up their own mind as to whatā€™s of greatest importance to them that trumps the restrictions


Sorted that problem for you @Julio_Geordio