Coronavirus - Here come the variants

I was actually watching this last night on YouTube :grinning:.Itā€™s a classic concert.

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You got me wrong, I donā€™t think anyone should follow the restrictions and encourage others to follow my lead.

Although you make a good point, that is the attitude of a lot of people. Particularly some hardline LIDTF people. Mary thinks itā€™s okay for her to go to breda as they are both cocooning, itā€™s only tea. And Mary has to go 20km to her sister. She also meets the gals at the gaa pitch for a coffee every Thursday and a socially distanced walk. Sheā€™s doing her bit to hold form but itā€™s young people in Dublin causing the spread. Meeting up in the park or in d2 having house partys and going on weekends away to Europe. Shut the off liecences and airports. But let aldi keep selling me my prosecco

Thatā€™s the attitude I think your on about.


I have to visit the auld boy, essential travel.


Looks like the Liverpool FC marketing team have been hired by Naas council to rally the troops for the crucial next two weeks.



Fair play

He knows already ā€¦did you not see the curtain twitching ?

Please together donā€™t Naas covid take give up please deaths care now?

Great message

The confessions of openly flouting restrictions is sad reading. I hope youā€™ll enjoy another 12 months of them.

Couldnā€™t this time boss. Was with my own boss on Friday. Usual 6 month assessment bullshit.

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No hassle. You can give me two boxes of ferrero rocher next time to make up for it.

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Thereā€™s lads on here who advocated a strict lockdown because the irish were too filthy and irresponsible to act like the swedes. The same lads are now conspicuously taking an ah sure lookit common sense approach. The hunt with the hounds and run with the fox brigade, followers and devotees of the cheerful treachery of prof oā€™Neill.


Donā€™t feel you have to justify yourself to that rat bastard.

Fuck up you gimpy cunt.

Youā€™re on here crying about restrictions everyday to a group of lads who are responsible for the very same restrictions :grinning:

I havenā€™t any parents to visit and Iā€™m quite happy in my own tiny world,
So I havenā€™t broken COVID restrictions to my knowledge, perhaps Iā€™ve stepped out of my 5k on an early morning run,
Thereā€™s some real oddball characters here who wonā€™t wear masks in public places or refuse to do the one thing that will practically guarantee we get out of it (mass vaccination)

Iā€™ve set out my stall, visit your parents or elderly relatives without guilt, chat to people at a safe distance when youā€™re out, donā€™t burden small kids by not allowing them to play, and every once in a while tear down a sign on a green designed to stop children playing in the only green space near to their houses close to a very busy road,
And quit whining incessantly on the internet because itā€™s useless and makes you sound like a dullard, at least change the record every once in a while,
Itā€™s nearly done, Iā€™m sure some people hate the thought of that because it will man they were wrong


The high point of western civilization. 25 fucking years. How

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Did you prefer Blur or Oasis?

I loved Blur - bought their first album. I was in a band and thereā€™s no other way was one of our staples.

Second one wasnā€™t as good but Parklife was brilliant.

Then Oasis came. No sides chosen

The Country House / Roll with it battle meant you had to go one or other.

I never looked back and it was Oasis all the way then

I watched the Liam Gallagher documentary after the Maine Road gig chatter in here yesterday. He made a crucial point that your 20s is the time for booze and drugs and your 40s is the time for early morning runs to clear the head. Heā€™d fit in well here.


Blur are the thinking manā€™s Brit pop band.

What were the 30s for?