Coronavirus - Here come the variants

A man of action


Dan is boasting about destroying the economy again.


Turning into an expensive boob job.

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Everything about this story seems wrong.

Young single mothers spending whatever money they have to travel abroad for cosmetic surgery. Deary me.

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They’re some tits

They won’t be single for long now

An investment in an Onlyfans career.

They’ll make it back tenfold

They need to get home to mind their kids. At least they do now

Its all gone tits up for em

Desperate having to go all the way to Dubai just to find a doctor who knows what a surgical mask is for

They’ve been studying the constitution closely in fairness, it’s amazing how many constitutional experts we have these days :man_shrugging:

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Would many women be getting their mammaries enhanced these days? As I’m an asexual I wouldn’t really know about these things.

Christ :roll_eyes:

Wrong forum kid. Most of us are middle aged married men who bar a midlife crisis are quite happy to put up with the size of their other halves “mammeries”

Speaking of crisis, not an easter egg to be got in the shops. What’s the story?

Too late kid. I could have sold any amount of them this week

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Easter bunny got cancelled by Simon Harris

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Fat fucks loading up on them since Valentines wknd

People eating them like Mars bars since February …